Backup and Recovery APIs
The Backup and Recovery APIs list the contents of a save file and save a
list of objects.
For information about planning a backup and recovery strategy, see the
Backup and recovery topic. For information
about procedures for saving and restoring information on your system, see the
Backup and recovery topic, as well as the Backup and Recovery
The Backup and Recovery APIs are:
- Change Backup Schedule (QEZCHBKS) allows the user to change the Operational Assistant backup schedules.
- Change Job Media Library Attributes (QTACJMA) API changes the specified job's settings for the media library attributes.
- Change Object Backup List (QEZCHBKL) changes the backup type for a list of objects that are specified by the user.
- Create Media Definition (QSRCRTMD, QsrCreateMediaDefinition) creates a media definition specified by the user.
- Delete Media Definition (QSRDLTMD, QsrDeleteMediaDefinition) deletes a media definition specified by the user.
- Dump Device (QTADMPDV) collects information for your IBM service representative for use immediately after a suspected device and/or tape management system failure.
- Free Object (QTAFROBJ) 'suspends' a document object specified by the caller of the API.
- List Save File (QSRLSAVF) lists the contents of a save file.
- Open List of Objects to be Backed Up (QEZOLBKL) retrieves an open list of the objects that are to be backed up.
- Restore from Application (QaneRsta) enables an application to provide the restore records that are required for a restore-from-save-file operation.
- Restore Object (QsrRestore) restores a copy of one or more objects that can be used in the integrated file system.
Restore Object List (QSRRSTO) restores a list of objects or spooled files specified by the user. 
- Retrieve Backup Detail (QEZRTBKD) retrieves more detailed information about the library or folder that is to be backed up.
- Retrieve Backup History (QEZRTBKH) retrieves information about the backup status and history into a single variable in the calling program.
- Retrieve Backup Options (QEZRTBKO) returns the backup options for the requested backup type.
- Retrieve Backup Schedule (QEZRTBKS) returns information about when the Operational Assistant backups are scheduled to be run.
- Retrieve Cartridge Filter (QTARCTGF) retrieves the currently defined cartridge filter for the system.
- Retrieve Cartridge Information (QTARCTGI) retrieves a list of the cartridges in a tape library device and their attributes.
- Retrieve Category List (QTARCGYL) retrieves a list of the categories currently defined on the system.
- Retrieve Device Capabilities (QTARDCAP) retrieves information that is associated with a specified tape device description or tape resource name.
- Retrieve Device Information (QTARDINF) retrieves information that is associated with a specified device description.
- Retrieve Device Status (QTARDSTS) retrieves dynamic status information for the specified device and for any currently mounted tape cartridge.
- Retrieve Job Media Library Attributes (QTARJMA) retrieves the specified job's current settings for the media library attributes.
- Retrieve Media Definition (QSRRTVMD, QsrRetrieveMediaDefinition) retrieves a media definition specified by the user.
- Retrieve Tape Labels (QTARTLBL) retrieves the label information for the files on a tape cartridge.
- Save Object (QsrSave) saves a copy of one or more objects that can be used in the integrated file system.
- Save Object List (QSRSAVO) saves a list of objects specified by the user.
- Save Storage Free (Qp0lSaveStgFree()) calls a user-supplied exit program to save an *STMF iSeries object type and, upon successful completion of the exit program, frees the storage for the object and marks the object as storage freed.
- Save Storage Free (using NLS-enabled path name) (QlgSaveStgFree()) calls a user-supplied exit program to save an *STMF iSeries object type and, upon successful completion of the exit program, frees the storage for the object and marks the object as storage freed.
- Save to Application (QaneSava) enables an application to receive the save records that are generated by a save-to-save-file operation.
- Set Cartridge Filter (QTASCTGF) sets a filter that defines the cartridges that can be used by tape library devices on the system.
The Backup and Recovery exit programs are:
- Restore from Application enables an application program to provide the restore records that are required for a restore-from-save-file operation using the Restore from Application (QaneRsta) API.
- Save Storage Free is called by the Qp0lSaveStgFree() API to save an *STMF iSeries object type.
- Save to Application enables an application program to receive the save records that are generated by a save-to-save-file operation using the Save to Application (QaneSava) API.
- Storage Extension provides the capability to use storage extension.
- Tape Management provides the function to monitor and control the use of volumes and devices used by the operating system for most tape operations.