Logic flow of processing a list of entries

This topic shows you what a logic flow looks like when you process a list containing multiple entries.

              |                        |
              |    Initialize the next |
              |    entry with 'Where   |
              |      the list begins'  |
              |                        |
              |    Have all of the     |  YES
     *------->|     entries been       *-------*
     |        |      processed?        |       |
     |        *------------*-----------*       *
     |                     |NO              List is
     |                     V                complete
     |        *------------------------*
     |        |                        |
     |        | Access the entry.  Use |
     |        | the next entry value   |
     |        |   as an index.         |
     |        *-----------*------------*
     |                    |
     |                    V
     |        *------------------------*
     |        |        Process         |
     |        |          the           |
     |        |         entry          |
     |        |                        |
     |        *------------*-----------*
     |                     |
     |                     V
     |        *------------------------*
     |        |                        |
     |        |    Add the length of   |
     |        |       each entry       |
     |        |   to the next entry    |
     |        *------------*-----------*
     |                     |
     |                     V
     |        *------------------------*
     |        |  Add 1 to a count of   |
     |        |     how many have      |
     |        |     been processed     |
     |        |                        |
     |        *------------*-----------*
     |                     |
     |                     |

It is important from an upward compatibility viewpoint to use the offset, length of each entry, and the number of entries rather than hard coding the values in your program.