The following CL program creates objects 1 through 11 and 15.
PGM /* Delete library and start from scratch */ DLTLIB ABC /* MRM Objects */ CRTLIB ABC CRTCLPGM ABC/ABCPGMMRM1 ABCDEV/QCLSRC + TEXT('MRM Preprocessing Program') CRTCLPGM ABC/ABCPGMMRM2 ABCDEV/QCLSRC + TEXT('MRM Postprocessing Program') CRTCLPGM ABC/ABCPGM ABCDEV/QCLSRC + TEXT('CPP for ABC command') /* MRI Objects */ CRTCLPGM ABC/ABCPGMMRI1 ABCDEV/QCLSRC + TEXT('MRI Preprocessing Program') CRTCLPGM ABC/ABCPGMMRI2 ABCDEV/QCLSRC + TEXT('MRI Postprocessing Program') CRTSRCPF ABC/QCLSRC TEXT('Source Physical File for ABC Product') CRTDSPF ABC/ABCDSPF ABCDEV/QDDSSRC + TEXT('Display File for ABC Product') CRTPF ABC/ABCPF ABCDEV/QDDSSRC + TEXT('Physical File for ABC Product') CRTMSGF ABC/ABCMSG TEXT('Message File') ADDMSGD ABC0001 ABC/ABCMSG MSG('ABC Product') CRTCMD ABC/ABC ABC/ABCPGM ABCDEV/QCMDSRC + TEXT('Command for ABC Product') CRTPNLGRP ABC/ABCPNLGRP ABCDEV/QPNLSRC + TEXT('Panel for ABC Command') /* The next program creates the product definitions, product loads, */ /* and gives all the objects associated with the product the correct*/ /* product information. It packages the product, which enables */ /* you to use the SAVLICPGM, RSTLICPGM, and DLTLICPGM commands. */ CRTRPGPGM ABCDEV/SFTWPRDEX ABCDEV/QRPGSRC /* (1) (2) (3) (4) */ CALL ABCDEV/SFTWPRDEX ENDPGM