This program lists a directory to a spooled file. You should call this program with only one parameter, the parameter that represents the directory you want to list.
/******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* FUNCTION: This program lists a directory to a spooled file. */ /* */ /* LANGUAGE: ILE C */ /* */ /* */ /* APIs USED: QHFOPNDR, QHFRDDR, QHFCLODR, QHFLSTFS, QUSCRTUS, */ /* QUSRTVUS */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* INCLUDE FILES */ /******************************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <qhfopndr.h> #include <qhfrddr.h> #include <qhfclodr.h> #include <qhflstfs.h> #include <quscrtus.h> #include <qusrtvus.h> #include <qusec.h> /******************************************************************/ /* STRUCTURE AND VARIABLE DECLARATIONS */ /******************************************************************/ /******************************************************************/ /* Parameters for QHFOPNDR */ /******************************************************************/ char dir_handle[16]; /* Directory handle */ int namelen; /* Length of path name */ char openinfo[6]; /* Open information */ typedef struct { Qhf_Attr_Selec_Tbl_t fixed; int offset2; int offset3; int att_len1; char att_name1[8]; int att_len2; char att_name2[8]; int att_len3; char att_name3[8]; } selection_struct; selection_struct select; int selectionlen; /******************************************************************/ /* Error Code Structure */ /* */ /* This shows how the user can define the variable length portion */ /* of error code for the exception data. */ /* */ /******************************************************************/ typedef struct { Qus_EC_t ec_fields; char Exception_Data[100]; } error_code_t; error_code_t error_code; /******************************************************************/ /* Parameters for QHFRDDR */ /******************************************************************/ /* The directory handle is the same as for QHFOPNDR */ typedef struct { Qhf_Data_Buffer_t fixed; int num_att; int offsets[4]; char attinfo[276]; } read_buffer; read_buffer buffer; int result_count; int bytes_returned; /******************************************************************/ /* Parameters for QHFCLODR */ /******************************************************************/ /* No additional ones need to be declared */ /******************************************************************/ /* Parameters for QUSCRTUS */ /******************************************************************/ int size; char text[50]; /******************************************************************/ /* Parameters for QHFLSTFS */ /******************************************************************/ /* No additional ones need to be declared */ /******************************************************************/ /* Parameters for QUSRTVUS */ /******************************************************************/ int startpos; int len; char charbin4[4]; char FSname[10]; /******************************************************************/ /* Other declarations */ /******************************************************************/ int entrypos; int numentries; int entrylen; char *att; char name[100]; char attname[30]; char attval[30]; int attnamelen; int attvallen; char newname[30]; int filesize; char fileatt[10]; typedef struct { char century; char year[2]; char month[2]; char day[2]; char hour[2]; char minute[2]; char second[2]; } charval; charval chartime; int bytes_used; int i; main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char write_string[100]; FILE *stream; error_code.ec_fields.Bytes_Provided = 0; /****************************************************************/ /* Make sure we received the correct number of parameters. The */ /* argc parameter will contain the number of parameters that */ /* was passed to this program. This number also includes the */ /* program itself, so we need to evaluate argc-1. */ /****************************************************************/ if (((argc - 1) < 1) || ((argc - 1 > 1))) /****************************************************************/ /* We did not receive all of the required parameters, or */ /* received too many. Exit from the program. */ /****************************************************************/ { exit(1); } /****************************************************************/ /* Open QPRINT file so that data can be written to it. If the */ /* file cannot be opened, print a message and exit. */ /****************************************************************/ if((stream = fopen("QPRINT", "wb")) == NULL) { printf("File could not be opened\n"); exit(1); } memset(name, ' ', 100); memcpy(name, argv[1], 100); if(!memcmp(name, " ", 1)) { memcpy(name,"ROOT",4); fprintf(stream,"Directory listing for path %.100s\n", name); size = 1; memcpy(text, "temporary user space used by program DIR ", 50); /****************************************************************/ /* Create the user space for QHFLSTFS to use. */ /****************************************************************/ QUSCRTUS("FSLST QTEMP ", "TEMPSPACE ", size, " ", "*USE ", text, "*YES ", &error_code); /****************************************************************/ /* List the file systems into that space. */ /****************************************************************/ QHFLSTFS("FSLST QTEMP ", "HFSL0100", &error_code); /****************************************************************/ /* Get the starting point for the file system entries. */ /****************************************************************/ startpos = 125; len = 4; QUSRTVUS("FSLST QTEMP ", startpos, len, charbin4, &error_code); entrypos = *(int *)charbin4; /****************************************************************/ /* Get the number of entries in the user space. */ /****************************************************************/ startpos = 133; len = 4; QUSRTVUS("FSLST QTEMP ", startpos, len, charbin4, &error_code); numentries = *(int *)charbin4; /****************************************************************/ /* Find the length of the entries. */ /****************************************************************/ startpos = 137; len = 4; QUSRTVUS("FSLST QTEMP ", startpos, len, charbin4, &error_code); entrylen = *(int *)charbin4; /****************************************************************/ /* Loop through the entries and get the names of the file */ /* systems. */ /****************************************************************/ for(i=0;i<numentries;++i) { startpos = entrypos + 1; len = 10; QUSRTVUS("FSLST QTEMP ", startpos, len, FSname, &error_code); /*************************************************************/ /* List the names into the spooled file. */ /*************************************************************/ sprintf(write_string," %.10s <DIR>", FSname); fprintf(stream, write_string); entrypos = entrypos + entrylen; } } else { fprintf(stream,"Directory listing for path %.100s\n", name); /****************************************************************/ /* Build the attribute selection table for QHFOPNDR. */ /****************************************************************/ select.fixed.Number_Attributes = 3; select.fixed.Offset_First_Attr = 16; select.offset2 = 28; select.offset3 = 40; select.att_len1 = 8; memcpy(select.att_name1, "QFILSIZE", 8); select.att_len2 = 8; memcpy(select.att_name2, "QCRTDTTM", 8); select.att_len3 = 8; memcpy(select.att_name3, "QFILATTR", 8); selectionlen = 52; memcpy(openinfo, "10 ", 6); /****************************************************************/ /* Find the length of the directory name. */ /****************************************************************/ for(i=0;i<100;i++) { if((name[i] == ' ') || (name[i] == '\x00')) break; } namelen = i; /****************************************************************/ /* Open the directory. */ /****************************************************************/ QHFOPNDR(dir_handle, name, namelen, openinfo, &select, selectionlen, &error_code); /****************************************************************/ /* Read one entry from the directory. */ /****************************************************************/ QHFRDDR(dir_handle, &buffer, 300, 1, &result_count, &bytes_returned, &error_code); while(result_count > 0) { memcpy(attname," ",30); memcpy(attval," ",30); att = buffer.attinfo; bytes_used = 20; /**************************************************************/ /* Loop for the number of attributes in the entry. */ /**************************************************************/ for(i=0;i<buffer.num_att;i++) { memcpy(charbin4, att, 4); attnamelen = *(int *)charbin4; att += 4; bytes_used += 4; memcpy(charbin4, att, 4); attvallen = *(int *)charbin4; att += 8; bytes_used += 8; memcpy(attname, att, attnamelen); att += attnamelen; bytes_used += attnamelen; memcpy(attval, att, attvallen); att += attvallen; bytes_used += attvallen; /************************************************************/ /* Update att so that its first character is the first */ /* character of the next attribute entry. */ /************************************************************/ if ((bytes_used == buffer.offsets[i+1]) && ((i+1) == buffer.num_att)) att += (buffer.offsets[i] - bytes_used); /************************************************************/ /* If the attribute is QNAME, then set newname. */ /************************************************************/ if(!memcmp(attname, "QNAME", 5)) { memset(newname, ' ', 12); memcpy(newname, attval, attvallen); } /************************************************************/ /* If the attribute is QFILSIZE, then set filesize. */ /************************************************************/ else if(!memcmp(attname, "QFILSIZE", 8)) { memcpy(charbin4, attval, 4); filesize = *(int *)charbin4; } /************************************************************/ /* If it was QCRTDTTM, then set the time. */ /************************************************************/ else if(!memcmp(attname, "QCRTDTTM", 8)) memcpy(&chartime, attval, 13); /************************************************************/ /* Else the attribute was QFILATTR, so set fileatt. */ /************************************************************/ else memcpy(fileatt, attval, 10); } /**************************************************************/ /* If the entry was a directory, list its name and <DIR>. */ /**************************************************************/ if(fileatt[3] == '1') { sprintf(write_string," %s <DIR>", newname); fprintf(stream, write_string); } /**************************************************************/ /* If the entry is not a hidden file, list its name and size. */ /**************************************************************/ else if(fileatt[1] == '0') { sprintf(write_string," %s %d", newname, filesize); fprintf(stream, write_string); } /**************************************************************/ /* If the entry is not a hidden file or directory, list its */ /* date of creation. */ /**************************************************************/ if(fileatt[1] == '0') { sprintf(write_string," %.2s-%.2s-%.2s", chartime.month,, chartime.year); fprintf(stream, write_string); sprintf(write_string," %.2s:%.2s:%.2s\n", chartime.hour, chartime.minute, chartime.second); fprintf(stream, write_string); } QHFRDDR(dir_handle, &buffer, 200, 1, &result_count, &bytes_returned, &error_code); } /* while */ } /* else */ /****************************************************************/ /* Close the directory. */ /****************************************************************/ QHFCLODR(dir_handle, &error_code); fclose(stream); } /* main */