Configure the Management Central servers to use EIM

Perform the following steps to configure the central system and all endpoint systems to use EIM:

  1. Set the central system to use EIM:
    1. Using iSeries™ Navigator on the PC, right click the central system, iSeriesMC1, and select Properties.
    2. Click the Security tab and verify that Use Kerberos authentication is selected.
    3. Select the Use if identity exists (otherwise use profile) option for identity mapping.
      Note: You can select the Require identity mapping option. However if you do, iSeries Navigator tasks to endpoint systems that use the Management Central servers will fail for EIM identifiers for which you have not created EIM associations.
    4. Click OK to set this value on iSeriesMC1. A message appears which reminds you of the prerequisites for configuring the Management Central servers to use network authentication service and EIM.
    5. Click OK to indicate that you understand the prerequisites.
  2. Create a system group:
    1. In iSeries Navigator, expand iSeriesMC1.
    2. Right-click System Groups and select New System Group.
    3. On the General page, specify the system group in the Name field. Create a description for this system group. For this example, you specify a system group with a name of group1 and describe it as the group of endpoint systems managed by iSeriesMC1.
    4. From the Available System list, select the central system, iSeriesMC1, and all endpoint systems, iSeries A, iSeries B, and iSeries C, and click Add. This will add these systems to the Selected systems list.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Expand System Groups to verify that the system group, group1, has been added.
  3. Collect inventory for the system group:
    1. In iSeries Navigator, expand iSeriesMC1 and select System Group.
    2. Right-click group1 and select Inventory-->Collect.
    3. On the Collect Inventory page for group1, select System values and click OK.
      Note: By default, a dialog is displayed that indicates the Collect Inventory task has started. However, if you have changed the default setting, this dialog is not displayed.
    4. Click OK.
    5. On the Collect Inventory Status page, read all the status values that display and fix any problems that you may encounter. For details on specific status values related to inventory collection that appear on this page, select Help > Task Status Help.
    6. From the Task Status help page, select Inventory. This page displays all the status values that you may encounter with detailed descriptions and recovery information.
    7. Once the inventory collection completes successfully, close the status window.
  4. Compare and update EIM settings:
    1. In iSeries Navigator, expand the central system iSeriesMC1 and select System Group.
    2. Right-click the system group group1 and select System Values > Compare and Update.
    3. Complete the fields on the Compare and Update system group dialog:
      1. Select the central system, iSeriesMC1, for the Model system field.
      2. Select Management Central for the Category field.
      3. From the list of items to compare, select Use EIM for user mapping and Require identity mapping.
    4. Verify that your target systems are your system group and click OK to start the update. This will update each of the target systems within the system group with the EIM settings that you selected on the model system.
      Note: By default, a dialog is displayed that indicates the Compare and Update task has started. However, if you have changed the default setting, this dialog will not display.
    5. Click OK.
    6. On the Update Values Status dialog, verify that the update completes on each system and close the dialog.
  5. Restart the Management Central server on the central system and all endpoint systems:
    1. In iSeries Navigator, expand My Connections.
    2. Expand the iSeries Navigator system that you want to restart.
    3. Expand Network-->Servers and select TCP/IP.
    4. Right-click Management Central and select Stop. The server view collapses, and a message is displayed, explaining that you are no longer connected to the server.
    5. After the Management Central server has stopped, click Start to restart it.
  6. Repeat these steps on each endpoint system (iSeries Navigator A, iSeries Navigator B, and iSeries Navigator C).