Configure the IBM Service log files

Use the HTTP Server Administrative interface to access the WebSphere administrative console to configure the IBM Service logs for your application server.

Note: Changes to a IBM Service log file while an application server is running are not applied until the application server is restarted.

To configure a IBM Service log file, follow these steps:

  1. Start the administrative console.
  2. Expand Troubleshooting.
  3. Click Logs and Trace.
  4. Click your application server from the table.
  5. Select IBM Service Logs from the Logging and Tracing table.
  6. Click the Configuration tab. The panel displays the attribute values currently assigned to your IBM Service log file. Make any configuration changes and continue.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Save at the top of the page to save the log changes.
  9. Click Save your changes for your application server configuration.