The showlog script displays the contents the IBM Service log. For information on running Qshell scripts, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere Application Server - Express scripts.
To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.
To display the IBM Service log, follow these steps:
On the CL command line, run the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.
Run the cd command to change to the directory that contains the script:
cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE/ASE5/bin
Run the showlog script:
showlog -instance instance binaryfile
where instance is the name of your application server instance and binaryfile is the name of the IBM Service log file that you want to view.
The syntax of the showlog script is:
showlog -instance instance binaryfile [ outputfile ]
The parameters of the showlog script are:
This is a required parameter. The value instance specifies the
instance for which you want to display the IBM service log.
This is a required paramter. The value binaryfile specifies the
of the IBM Service log file. If you do not specify a fully qualified file
name, the script searches for the specified file in the /QIBM/UserData/WebASE/ASE5/instance/logs
directory, where instance is the name of your instance.
Note: The QEJBSVR user profile must have *R authority to the specified file.
This is an optional parameter. The value outputfile specifies
the name of the file to which the script writes the formatted contents
of the IBM service log. If you do not specify a fully qualified file name,
the script creates the output file in the current working directory. By
default, showlog writes results to standard out.
Note: The QEJBSVR user profile must have *RW authority to the directory to contain the output file.
showlog -instance myinst /QIBM/UserData/WebASE/ASE5/myAppSvr/logs/activity.log /home/myprofile/formatted_activity.log
This example writes the formatted contents of the activity.log file for the myAppSvr instance to the file formatted_activity.log in the /home/myprofile directory.