JRas extensions

The standalone JRas logging toolkit defines interfaces and provides a variety of concrete classes that implement these interfaces. Since the standalone JRas logging toolkit was developed as a general purpose toolkit, the implementation classes do not contain the configuration interfaces and methods necessary for use in the WebSphere Application Server - Express product. In addition, many of the implementation classes are not written appropriately for use in a J2EE environment. To overcome these shortcomings, WebSphere Application Server - Express provides the appropriate implementation classes that allow integration into the WebSphere Application Server - Express environment. The collection of these implementation classes is referred to as the JRas extensions.

JRas extensions

You can use the JRas extensions in three distinct operational modes:

The JRas extensions are specifically targeted to an integrated mode of operation. The integrated mode of operation can be appropriate for some usage scenarios, but there are many scenarios that are not adequately addressed by these extensions. Many usage scenarios require a standalone or combined mode of operation instead. A set of user extension points has been defined that allow the JRas extensions to be used in either a standalone or combined mode of operations.

JRas extension classes

WebSphere Application Server - Express provides a base set of implementation classes that collectively are referred to as the JRas extensions. Many of these classes provide the appropriate implementations of loggers, handlers and formatters for use in a WebSphere Application Server - Express environment. As previously noted, this collection of classes is targeted at an Integrated mode of operation. If you choose to use the JRas extensions in either standalone or combined mode, you can reuse the logger and manager class provided by the extensions, but you must provide your own implementations of handlers and formatters.