Audit control

The QAUDCTL system value allows you to control whether auditing is performed.

Table 1. Possible Values
Using the QAUDCTL system value
*NONE No auditing of user actions and no auditing of objects is performed.
*OBJAUD Auditing is performed for objects that have been selected using the CHGOBJAUD, CHGDLOAUD, or CHGAUD commands.
*AUDLVL Auditing is performed for any functions selected on the QAUDLVL and QAUDLVL2 system values and on the AUDLVL parameter of individual user profiles. The audit level for a user is specified using the Change User Audit (CHGUSRAUD) command.
*NOQTEMP Auditing is not performed for most actions if the object is in QTEMP library. You must specify this value with either *OBJAUD or *AUDLVL.
Note: This system value is a restricted value. For information on how to restrict changes to security system values and a list of the restricted system values, see "Chapter 3. Security System Values" in the iSeries Security Reference.