Monitor blatant access attempts

Monitor access to output and job queues

Sometimes a security administrator does a great job of protecting access to files and then forgets about what happens when the contents of a file are printed. Servers provide functions for you to protect sensitive output queues and job queues. You protect an output queue so that unauthorized users cannot, for example, view or copy confidential spooled files that are waiting to print. You protect job queues so that an unauthorized user cannot either redirect a confidential job to a nonconfidential output queue or cancel the job entirely.

SECBATCH menu options

24 to submit immediately 63 to use the job scheduler

The Basic system security and planning in the Information Center and Security Reference books describe how to protect your output queues and job queues. You can use the Print Queue Authority (PRTQAUT) command to print the security settings for the job queues and output queues on your system. You can then evaluate printing jobs that print confidential information and ensure that they are going to output queues and job queues that are protected.

For output queues and job queues that you consider to be security-sensitive, you can compare your security settings to the information in Appendix D of the Security Reference book: iSeries™ Security Reference.