Network Address Translation (NAT)

NAT can route traffic between your logical partition and the external network using virtual Ethernet.

This particular form of NAT is called static NAT, and it will allow both inbound and outbound IP traffic to and from the logical partition. Other forms of NAT like masquerade NAT would also work if your logical partitions do not need to receive traffic initiated by external clients. Like the TCP/IP Routing and Proxy ARP methods, you can take advantage of your existing i5/OS® network connection. Since you will be using IP Packet rules, you must use iSeries™ Navigator to create and apply your rules.

The following illustration is an example of using NAT to connect your logical partition to an external network. The 10.1.1.x network represents an external network while the 192.168.1.x network represents the virtual Ethernet LAN.

Illustrated example of NAT.

In this pre-V5R3 example, any existing TCP/IP traffic for the iSeries hosting partition runs over the interface. Since this is a static map scenario, the inbound traffic gets translated from the interface to interface. The outbound traffic gets translated from the interface to the external interface. The logical partition uses the virtual interface ( and its own interface to communicate with the server.

To make static NAT work, you need to first set up your i5/OS and Linux TCP/IP communications. Then you will create and apply some IP Packet rules. Use the following procedure:
  1. During the configuration of your logical partition, make sure you selected to create virtual Ethernet. This is described in Configure a logical partition.
  2. Create an Ethernet line description for virtual Ethernet. Note the port of the hardware resource, because you will need it when you set up TCP/IP in your logical partition. In the case of the above example, assume the hardware resource is CMN05 with a port of 0 and although arbitrary, the line description name is VETH0. CRTLINETH LIND(VETH0) RSRCNAME(CMN05) LINESPEED(1G) DUPLEX(*FULL)
  3. Add a TCP/IP Interface for your virtual line description. Following the example, you could use: ADDTCPIFC INTNETADR('') LIND('VETH0') SUBNETMASK ('')

    Start your new TCP/IP interface using the command STRTCPIFC INTNETADR(yourIPaddress) or STRTCPIFC INTNETADR(''), for the example.

  4. On your logical partition, set up networking using the instructions or tools provided by your Linux distribution. Be sure to use the correct IP address, subnet mask, port from step 2, and gateway IP address.

    During the TCP/IP setup in Linux, you will need to know your net or network device. If you are running a 32-bit kernel version of 2.4.9 or less, the network device is VETH plus the port number from when you configured an Ethernet line description. If you are running a 64-bit kernel or a 32-bit kernel greater than or equal to 2.4.10, the network device is ETH plus the port number. See Create an Ethernet line description for virtual Ethernet for more information. In the example:

    • the interface IP address is
    • the subnet mask is
    • the gateway IP address is
    • the network device is VETH0 or ETH0 depending on the kernel version
  5. Create another TCP/IP interface that connects to the external network. It should use the same line description as your existing external TCP/IP interface. This interface will eventually perform the address translation for your partition. Check to make sure your new interface communicates with the external LAN properly. In the case of the example, this interface has an IP address of on a line description called ETHLINE.
  6. Start the external TCP/IP interface. STRTCPIFC INTNETADR('')
  7. You should now verify that your virtual Ethernet connection works. From the logical partition, ping the Linux gateway and from i5/OS, ping the logical partition. If the ping is successful, continue.
  8. Turn on IP datagram forwarding. This allows the i5/OS TCP/IP interfaces to pass IP packets between each other. CHGTCPA IPDTGFWD(*YES)
  9. Connect to the server with iSeries Navigator. You must not connect to the server with the NAT interface that you just created.
  10. Navigate your way to Packet Rules. Use the Packet Rules interface to write at least three rules to enable static NAT. You need to create two New Defined Address rules and a New Mapped Address rule.
    1. In the Packet Rules window, create a new rules file by selecting New File from the File menu.
    2. In the New Rules file menu, right-click on Defined Addresses and select New Defined Address.
    3. Enter an Address name, the IP address of the logical partition, and a type of Trusted. For the example, you would enter:
      • Address Name = LINUXPART
      • Defined Address = IP Address where your IP address equals
      • Type = Trusted
    4. In the New Rules file menu, right-click on Defined Addresses and select New Defined Address.
    5. Enter an Address name, the IP address of the logical partition, and a type of Border. For the example, you would enter:
      • Address Name = SHELL
      • Defined Address = IP Address where your IP address equals
      • Type = Border
    6. Expand the Address Translation menu item from the New Rules file menu window.
    7. Right-click on Mapped Addresses and select New Mapped Address.
    8. Enter the Mapped address name, the To address name, and the line name. You can leave the Journaling set to off. For the example, you would enter:
      • Mapped address name = LINUXPART
      • To Address name= SHELL
      • Line = ETHLINE
      • Journaling = OFF
    9. Verify your rules by selecting Verify under the File menu.
    10. Save your rules file.
    11. Upon successful verification, select Activate from the file menu. Your static NAT rules are now active.
To test outbound communications, ping an external host from your logical partition. Then from that external host, ping your logical partition to test inbound communications.