Estimate the size of the journal receiver manually

Use this procedure to estimate the size of your journal receiver.

This procedure assumes the following:

Follow the steps below to estimate the size of a journal receiver:

  1. Determine the average record length for all the files that you plan to journal. If the record lengths vary significantly and the information is available, use a weighted average based on the relative number of transactions per file.
  2. If you are not minimizing the fixed-length portion of the journal entry (not specifying RCVSIZOPT(*MINFIXLEN) on the CRTJRN command), you can specify the data that is included in the fixed-length portion (FIXLENDTA) of the journal entries. Find the sum of the bytes for the options you are using. Select the options from the following list:
    • *JOB = 26 bytes
    • *USR = 10 bytes
    • *PGM = 10 bytes
    • *PGMLIB = 22 bytes
    • *SYSSEQ = 8 bytes
    • *RMTADR = 20 bytes
    • *THD = 8 bytes
    • *LUW = 27 bytes
    • *XID = 140 bytes
  3. Estimate the number of transactions for a day.
  4. The system-created portion of a journal entry is approximately 50 bytes. (It varies by the type of journal entry.)
  5. Estimate the number bytes of auxiliary storage needed for one day's transactions by using the following formula:
    Total bytes needed = (a+b+50)*c


    • a = the average record length of files (step 1)
    • b = sum of values selected for FIXLENDTA (step 2)
    • c = number of transactions for a day (step 3)

For example:

  1. The average record length for journaled files is 115 bytes.
  2. *JOB, *USR, and *PGM options of FIXLENDTA are selected. Their sum is 46 bytes.
  3. The number of journaled transactions per day is 10 000.
  4. The total bytes needed to journal after-images for a day is:
    (115+46+50) * 10 000 = 2 110 000
Related concepts
Fixed-length options for journal entries