You can use the methods below to estimate the effect a journal receiver will have on auxiliary storage.
Use Journal receiver calculator. The Journal receiver calculator provides an easy way for you to estimate the size of your journal receiver without setting up journaling.
The calculator assumes the following:
Another method for estimating the size of the journal receiver is to run a test. This method is more accurate because it includes all journal entries. Additionally, this method will work for any object type which can be journaled, not just database physical files unlike method one. To use this method, you must either have journaling set up already or you must set it up.
If you are already using journaling, skip steps 1 and 2 below. Instead, issue a Display Journal Receiver Attributes (DSPJRNRCVA) command before the time period so you can compare sizes from the beginning of the period to the end.
This method assumes that the same receiver is used during the whole test. If there is a change journal to attach a new journal receiver during the test, you must include the sizes of all the receivers.