Verify the Kerberos principals are added to the trusted group file

After running the remote command, you can verify that the central system's Kerberos service principal is in the trusted group file on each of the target systems.
  1. In iSeries™ Navigator, expand iSeries B > File Systems > Integrated File System > Root > QIBM > UserData > OS400 > MGTC > config.
  2. Right-click McTrustedGroup.conf and select Edit to view the contents of the file.
    1. Right-click Integrated File System and select Properties.
    2. On the Integrated File System Properties dialog box, select All files for Enable edit options for:, and click OK.
  3. Verify that the central system's Kerberos service principal is listed as one of the Management Central Trusted Group Members.
  4. Repeat these steps for iSeries C and iSeries D to verify that the central system's Kerberos service principal is added to each of the target systems.