CPI434C - The query access plan was not rebuilt

Message Text: The query access plan was not rebuilt.
Cause Text: The access plan for this query was not rebuilt. The optimizer determined that this access plan should be rebuilt for reason code &13. However, the query attributes in the QAQQINI file disallowed the optimizer from rebuilding this access plan at this time.

For a full explanation of the reason codes and their meanings, view the second level text of the message CPI4323.
Recovery Text: Since the query attributes disallowed the query access plan from being rebuilt, the query will continue to be implemented with the existing access plan. This access plan may not contain all of the performance benefits that may have been derived from rebuilding the access plan.

For more information about query attributes refer to Change the attributes of your queries with the Change Query Attributes (CHGQRYA) command
Related reference
CPI4323 - The query access plan has been rebuilt