SQL uses the COPY DD-format-name, COPY DD-ALL-FORMATS, COPY DDS-format-name, COPY DDR-format-name, COPY DDR-ALL-FORMATS, COPY DDSR-format-name, COPY DDS-ALL-FORMATS, and COPY DDSR-ALL-FORMATS to retrieve host variables from the file definitions.
If the REPLACING option is specified, only complete name replacing is done. Var-1 is compared against the format name and the field name. If they are equal, var-2 is used as the new name.
To retrieve the definition of the sample table DEPARTMENT described in DB2® UDB for iSeries™ sample tables in the DB2 UDB for iSeries SQL Programming Concepts topic collection, you can code the following:
A host structure named DEPARTMENT-STRUCTURE is defined with an 05 level field named DEPARTMENT-RECORD that contains four 06 level fields named DEPTNO, DEPTNAME, MGRNO, and ADMRDEPT. These field names can be used as host variables in SQL statements.
For more information about the
COBOL COPY verb, see the COBOL/400® User's Guide and ILE COBOL Reference manuals
on the V5R1
Supplemental Manuals Web site.