This topic describes version and release changes in the ODBC driver

The following list describes some of the important
changes for V5R4:
There are several new features available when
using the ODBC driver to access data on a V5R4 iSeries™ server. These features include:
- Support for 128-byte column names
- Support for longer SQL statements (commands can be up to 2,097,152 bytes
or 1,048,576 characters long)
- Support for passing an IBM® Enterprise Workload Manager (eWLM) correlator to
the iSeries host
- Improved support for table and column names that are not all uppercase
- Enhanced distributed transaction support for loosely coupled transactions
- A Linux® 64-bit
ODBC driver

The following list describes some of the important changes
for V5R3:
There are several new features available when using the
ODBC driver to access data on a V5R3 iSeries server. These features include:
- DB2® UDB
database types of BINARY and VARBINARY
- UTF-8 and UTF-16 data
- Increased precision of decimal numbers
- Support for accessing stored procedure result sets with scrollable cursors
- Enhanced commitment control model so that autocommit can run with any
isolation level
- Enhanced Microsoft® Transaction Server (MTS) / XA support
which allows the coordination of transactions across multiple iSeries connections
The following list describes some of the important changes
for V5R2:
There are several new features available when using the
ODBC driver to access data on a V5R2 iSeries server. These features include:
- Ability to send Structured Query Language (SQL) statements that are 64K
bytes long to the DB2 UDB database (the previous limit was 32K bytes)
- Ability to make use of the DB2 UDB database type of ROWID
- Ability to get back additional descriptor information, such as the base
table name for a result set column
- Ability to access multiple databases on the same iSeries server
- Ability to retrieve meaningful information from the SQLTablePrivileges
and SQLColumnPrivileges APIs
- Ability to use Kerberos support for authenticating a user to an iSeries server
- Ability to retrieve, regardless of the iSeries server version, more information
in the result sets for the catalog APIs. The driver now queries the iSeries catalog
tables directly to provide the result set for the catalog APIs.
The following list describes some of the important changes
for V5R1:
- Character data for parameter markers is converted from the iSeries Access(PC)
codepage directly to the column CCSID. If a new iSeries Access codepage setting was specified
on the Advanced Translation Options dialog of the DSN setup GUI, it will be
the iSeries Access(PC)
codepage. The V4R5 driver first converted character data from the iSeries Access(PC)
codepage to the job CCSID before it was converted to the column CCSID.
- Character column data is converted directly from the column CCSID to the iSeries Access(PC)
codepage. If the C type specified is SQL_C_WCHAR, then the data is converted
to Unicode.
- If the value type specified in SQLBindParameter is SQL_C_WCHAR, then the
driver converts the parameter marker data from Unicode to the column CCSID.
- When calling SQLBindParameter for a SQL_C_CHAR to INTEGER conversion,
if BufferLength is 0 and the buffer contains an empty string then an error
is returned. The V4R5 driver would accept the empty string and insert the
value of 0 into the table.
- The lazy close option default is 0 (OFF), and in V4R5 its default was
1 (ON).
- The prefetch option default is 0 (OFF), and in V4R5 its default was 1
- Unicode SQL statements can be sent to V5R1 or later iSeries servers.
The package names are generated differently than in V4R5 when sending Unicode
SQL statements.
- Managed DSNs (created through V4R5 or earlier iSeries Navigator) are not supported.
They are instead treated like a User DSN, meaning that the DSN information
is not updated from the server copy.
- BIGINT data type is supported to V4R5 (or later) hosts.
- Static cursor supported to V5R1 or later hosts. In earlier hosts, and
in previous iSeries Access
for Windows® ODBC
drivers, static cursor type is mapped to dynamic.
- The V5R1 driver supports the ODBC 3.51 specification. In V4R5, the ODBC
2.5 specification was supported.
- In V5R1, no conversion is performed when fetching data from a char field
and retrieving it as SQL_C_BINARY. In V4R5, the driver translated data from
EBCDIC codepages to ASCII codepages.