Create an iSeries NetServer file share
You can share any directory in the iSeries integrated file system with clients
in the network by using iSeries NetServer™. Creating an iSeries file share allows PC clients
to easily access resources on iSeries.
Unlike iSeries Access for Windows, iSeries NetServer does not share the entire integrated file system
with the network by default.
To create a new file share by using iSeries Navigator, follow these steps:
- Open iSeries Navigator and connect to the system you want to work with.
- Expand Network.
- Expand Servers.
- Click TCP/IP to retrieve a list of TCP/IP servers
- Right-click iSeries NetServer and select Open.
- Right-click Shared Objects and select New and then File.
- Use the General Properties page to configure the
new file share with a name, description, access, maximum number of users,
and directory path name.
- Use the Text Conversion page to identify
which file types will have their contents converted from the iSeries file coded
character set ID to the coded character set ID you specify for the share.
The iSeries Navigator online help provides more details about iSeries NetServer file
share properties.