Use these documents to help plan your installation process.
Many of these resources are shipped with the distribution media in your software order. Read the material that applies to your server.
The Memo to Users describes significant changes in the new release that could potentially affect your programs or system operations. Use the Memo to Users to prepare for changes on the release and to use the new release. Be sure to read each section that pertains to licensed programs that you currently have installed or plan to install on your server.
In addition to the Memo
to Users in the iSeries™ Information Center,
you can access the Memo to Users from the Support for iSeries family Web
site .
On the Web site, follow this path:
The Memo to Users is also available to customers who use electronic customer support. You can order this document for V5R4 by using the Send PTF Order (SNDPTFORD) command and specifying program temporary fix (PTF) number SF98016.
If you are skipping a
release level of i5/OS™,
you should also review the Memo to Users for the release that you are skipping.
This ensures that you are aware of changes that occurred in the skipped release
that could also affect your programs and system operations. The command to
order the PTF version of the V5R3 Memorandum to Users is SNDPTFORD SF98086.
The same version is also available on the V5R3 iSeries Information Center (
and through the preventive service planning information at the Support
for iSeries family
Web site.
With every order that includes Operations Console, you receive iSeries Setup and Operations, SK3T-4098. This CD-ROM contains IBM® eServer™ iSeries Access for Windows® and the EZ-Setup wizard.
This CD-ROM, iSeries Information Center, SK3T-4091, ships with your IBM i5/OS software upgrade order.
To keep informed of the latest information about conditions that could impede your software installation, you need the most recent edition of the preventive service planning information (PSP). For information on preventive service planning, see Preventive service planning information .
This letter contains the instructions for installing the cumulative program temporary fix (PTF) package. IBM recommends that you order the cumulative PTF package about a week or two before your i5/OS installation and then install the package as part of your completion tasks. For information about the most recent cumulative package, refer to the Order fixes topic.