- 1
- Comments
(optional): Comments can appear on any line in DDS. They are identified by
an asterisk in position 7.
- 2
- File level (optional): File-level keywords appear before the record format
name (RECORD1 on line 00040).
- 3
- Record level (exactly one required): R in position 17 identifies RECORD1
as a record format name. In join logical files, the JFILE keyword is required
for the record format. The record level continues until the first join specification.
- 4
- Join level: J in position 17 identifies the beginning of a join specification.
At the join level, specify at least one join specification. Each join specification
must include at least one JFLD keyword. There must be one JOIN keyword for
each join specification in a join logical file if there is more than one join
specification in the file. A join specification continues until the next
join specification or field name.
- 5
- Field level: At least one field name with usage other than N is required
for join logical files.
- 6
- Key field level (optional): K in position 17 identifies the field as a
key field. A K must be specified for each key field. Specify the key field
level by repeating one or more field names (such as FIELDA) after the field-level
- 7
- Select and omit levels (optional): S in position 17 identifies FIELDB
as a select field. (O in position 17 identifies a field as an omit field.)
The select and omit levels follow the key field level.