Suspend or cancel a reorganize operation

Sometimes you might need to suspend or cancel a reorganize operation.

If you specify that the reorganize operation cannot be canceled and one of the following situations occur while the Reorganize Physical File Member (RGZPFM) command is running, the records might not be reorganized at all:

In addition, when the RGZPFM command is running, records associated with large objects (LOBs) might not be reorganized and a deleted record might remain in the file.

If you specify that the reorganize operation can be canceled and one of the preceding situations occurs, or you cancel the reorganize operation, the operation might be only partially completed. If you issue the same reorganize operation later, the reorganize operation might continue from where it was interrupted. However, if significant changes have occurred since the reorganize operation was canceled, the reorganize operation will not be continued and will start over.

The status of the member being reorganized also depends on how much the system was able to do before the reorganization is ended and what you have specified in the SRCOPT parameter.

If the SRCOPT parameter was specified, any of the following statuses might happen to the member:

If the SRCOPT parameter was not specified, the member is either completely reorganized or not reorganized at all. You can display the contents of the file, using either the Display Physical File Member (DSPPFM) command or the Quick View from iSeries™ Navigator, to determine how much of the file, if any, has been reorganized, and run the RGZPFM command again, if necessary.

To reduce the number of deleted records that exist in a physical file member, you can create or change the file to reuse deleted record space.

Related concepts
Reuse deleted records