#include <eim.h> int eimGetAssociatedIdentifiers(EimHandle * eim, enum EimAssociationType associationType, char * registryName, char * registryUserName, unsigned int lengthOfListData, EimList * listData, EimRC * eimrc)Service Program Name: QSYS/QSYEIM
The eimGetAssociatedIdentifiers() function returns a list of the identifiers. Given a registry name and user name within that user registry, return the EIM identifier associated with it.
It is possible that more than one person is associated with a specific identifier. This occurs when users share identities (and possibly passwords) within a single instance of a user registry. While this practice is not condoned, it does happen. This creates an ambiguous result.
If there are no specific associations for the registry name and user name
within that registry to an EIM identifer, then group registries will be used.
If the specified registry is a member of any group registries, then
this API will return any EIM identifiers associated with the group
registry (or registries) and the registry user name.
The list returned contains only the information that the user has authority to access.
EIM_ALL_ASSOC (0) | Retrieve all target, source, and administrative associations. |
EIM_TARGET (1) | Retrieve target associations. |
EIM_SOURCE (2) | Retrieve source associations. |
EIM_SOURCE_AND_TARGET (3) | Retrieve source and target associations. |
EIM_ADMIN (4) | Retrieve administrative associations. |
The EimList structure contains information about the returned data. The API will return as much data as space has been provided. The data returned is a linked list of EimIdentifier structures. firstEntry is used to get to the first EimIdentifier structure in the linked list.
EimList structure:
typedef struct EimList { unsigned int bytesReturned; /* Number of bytes actually returned by the API */ unsigned int bytesAvailable; /* Number of bytes of available data that could have been returned by the API */ unsigned int entriesReturned; /* Number of entries actually returned by the API */ unsigned int entriesAvailable; /* Number of entries available to be returned by the API */ unsigned int firstEntry; /* Displacement to the first linked list entry. This byte offset is relative to the start of the EimList structure. */ } EimList;
EimIdentifier structure:
typedef struct EimIdentifier { unsigned int nextEntry; /* Displacement to next entry. This byte offset is relative to the start of this structure */ EimListData uniquename; /* Unique name */ EimListData description; /* Description */ EimListData entryUUID; /* UUID */ EimSubList names; /* EimIdentifierName sublist */ EimSubList additionalInfo; /* EimAddlInfo sublist */ enum EimAssociationType type; /* Association type */EimListData groupRegistry; /* Group registry used to get the identifier. */
} EimIdentifier;
Identifiers may have several name attributes as well as several additional information attributes. In the EimIdentity structure, the names EimSubList gives addressability to a linked list of EimIdentifierName structures.
EimIdentifierName structure:
typedef struct EimIdentifierName { unsigned int nextEntry; /* Displacement to next entry. This byte offset is relative to the start of this structure */ EimListData name; /* Name */ } EimIdentifierName;
The additionalInfo EimSubList gives addressability to a linked list of EimAddlInfo structures.
EimAddlInfo structure:
typedef struct EimAddlInfo { unsigned int nextEntry; /* Displacement to next entry. This byte offset is relative to the start of this structure */ EimListData addlInfo; /* Additional info */ } EimAddlInfo;
EimSubList structure:
typedef struct EimSubList { unsigned int listNum; /* Number of entries in the list */ unsigned int disp; /* Displacement to sublist. This byte offset is relative to the start of the parent structure; that is, the structure containing this structure. */ } EimSubList;
EimListData structure:
typedef struct EimListData { unsigned int length; /* Length of data */ unsigned int disp; /* Displacement to data. This byte offset is relative to the start of the parent structure; that is, the structure containing this structure. */ } EimListData;
The return value from the API. Following each return value is the list of possible values for the messageCatalogMessageID field in the eimrc parameter for that value.
EIMERR_ACCESS (1) | Insufficient access to EIM data. |
EIMERR_NOREG (28) | EIM Registry not found or insufficient access to EIM data. |
EIMERR_NOLOCK (26) | Unable to allocate internal system object. |
EIMERR_DATA_CONVERSION (13) | Error occurred when converting data between code pages. |
EIMERR_ASSOC_TYPE_INVAL (4) | Association type is not valid. |
EIMERR_EIMLIST_SIZE (16) | Length of EimList is not valid. EimList must be at least 20 bytes in length. |
EIMERR_HANDLE_INVAL (17) | EimHandle is not valid. |
EIMERR_PARM_REQ (34) | Missing required parameter. Please check API documentation. |
EIMERR_PTR_INVAL (35) | Pointer parameter is not valid. |
EIMERR_SPACE (41) | Unexpected error accessing parameter. |
EIMERR_NOMEM (27) | No memory available. Unable to allocate required space. |
EIMERR_NOT_CONN (31) | Not connected to LDAP. Use eimConnect() API and try the request again. |
EIMERR_LDAP_ERR (23) | Unexpected LDAP error. %s |
EIMERR_UNEXP_OBJ_ VIOLATION (56) | Unexpected object violation. |
EIMERR_UNKNOWN (44) | Unknown error or unknown system state. |
See Code disclaimer information for information pertaining to code examples.
The following example will list all of the identifiers associated with the registry, MyRegistry, and a user of carolb.
#include <eim.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void printListResults(EimList * list); void printSubListData(char * fieldName, void * entry, int offset); void printListData(char * fieldName, void * entry, int offset); void printAssociationType(int type); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rc; char eimerr[100]; EimRC * err; EimHandle * handle; char listData[1000]; EimList * list = (EimList * ) listData; /* Get eim handle from input arg. */ /* This handle is already connected to EIM. */ handle = (EimHandle *)argv[1]; /* Set up error structure. */ memset(eimerr,0x00,100); err = (EimRC *)eimerr; err->memoryProvidedByCaller = 100; /* Get associated identifiers */ if (0 != (rc = eimGetAssociatedIdentifiers(handle, EIM_ALL_ASSOC, "MyRegistry", "carolb", 1000, list, err))) { printf("Get Associated Identifers error = %d", rc); return -1; } /* Print the results */ printListResults(list); return 0; } void printListResults(EimList * list) { int i; EimIdentifier * entry; printf("___________\n"); printf(" bytesReturned = %d\n", list->bytesReturned); printf(" bytesAvailable = %d\n", list->bytesAvailable); printf(" entriesReturned = %d\n", list->entriesReturned); printf(" entriesAvailable = %d\n", list->entriesAvailable); printf("\n"); entry = (EimIdentifier *)((char *)list + list->firstEntry); for (i = 0; i < list->entriesReturned; i++) { printf("\n"); printf("===============\n"); printf("Entry %d.\n", i); /* Print out results */ printListData("Unique name", entry, offsetof(EimIdentifier, uniquename)); printListData("description", entry, offsetof(EimIdentifier, description)); printListData("entryUUID", entry, offsetof(EimIdentifier, entryUUID)); printSubListData("Names", entry, offsetof(EimIdentifier, names)); printSubListData("Additional Info", entry, offsetof(EimIdentifier, additionalInfo)); printAssociationType(entry->type); printListData("Group registry", entry, offsetof(EimIdentifier, groupRegistry)); /* advance to next entry */ entry = (EimIdentifier *)((char *)entry + entry->nextEntry); } printf("\n"); } void printSubListData(char * fieldName, void * entry, int offset) { int i; EimSubList * subList; EimAddlInfo * subentry; // Address the EimSubList object */ subList = (EimSubList *)((char *)entry + offset); if (subList->listNum > 0) { subentry = (EimAddlInfo *)((char *)entry + subList->disp); for (i = 0; i < subList->listNum; i++) { /* Print out results */ printListData(fieldName, subentry, offsetof(EimAddlInfo, addlInfo)); /* advance to next entry */ subentry = (EimAddlInfo *)((char *)subentry + subentry->nextEntry); } } } void printListData(char * fieldName, void * entry, int offset) { EimListData * listData; char * data; int dataLength; printf(" %s = ",fieldName); /* Address the EimListData object */ listData = (EimListData *)((char *)entry + offset); /* Print out results */ data = (char *)entry + listData->disp; dataLength = listData->length; if (dataLength > 0) printf("%.*s\n",dataLength, data); else printf("Not found.\n"); } void printAssociationType(int type) { switch(type) { case EIM_SOURCE: printf(" Source Association.\n"); break; case EIM_ADMIN: printf(" Admin Association.\n"); break; case EIM_TARGET: printf(" Target Association.\n"); break; default: printf("ERROR - unknown association type.\n"); break; } }
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