1 | Device name | Input | Char(10) |
2 | Type of information | Input | Char(10) |
3 | Problem identifier | Input | Char(10) |
4 | Error code | I/O | Char(*) |
The Dump Device (QTADMPDV) API collects information for your IBM service representative. This API should be used immediately after a suspected device and/or tape management system failure. If the API is not used immediately, other device operations may cause the flight recorders to wrap, which could result in lost information. A problem identifier will be created and an APAR library will be generated similar to the Save APAR Data (SAVAPARDTA) command. To save the APAR library, use Work with Problem (WRKPRB) command. Choose the option to work with the problem and then the option to save the APAR library. If an existing problem identifier is passed to this API, then the spooled files generated will be logged against that problem identifier and no new problem identifier will be generated.
The Dump Device API currently supports the following device types:
Note: The information provided in and the number of spooled files may change at anytime. The information provided is intended for problem determination.
The Dump Device (QTADMPDV) API dumps the following information for tape or tape media library devices, into spooled files:
Note that this API will generate multiple spooled files that may get large depending upon the job logs that are being printed and the size of the other device information. Submitting the call to batch may be used if system performance is a concern. That is, if the API is called from the system console at high priority, it may degrade performance on other critical processing. Since many and potentially large spooled files may be generated, ensure that there is enough system storage available to handle the request.
To dump the IOP trace you need use (*USE) authority to the Control Device API (QTACTLDV).
See the documentation for this API for additional authority requirements.
To dump the PTF details you need use (*USE) authority to the Display Program Temporary Fix (DSPPTF) command.
See the documentation for this command for additional authority requirements.
To dump the VLOGS you need use (*USE) authority to the Print Internal Data (PRTINTDTA) command and Service (*SERVICE) special authority.
See the documentation for this command for additional authority requirements.
To dump the Product Activity Logs (PALS) you need use (*USE) authority to the Print Error Log (PRTERRLOG) command.
See the documentation for this command for additional authority requirements.
To dump the QTAPARB job log and display job information, you need Job Control (*JOBCTL) and All Object (*ALLOBJ) special authorities.
To dump the Media Library Inventory file description, you need use (*USE) authority to the QATAMID and QLTAMID files in QUSRSYS.
To dump the Media Library Category file description, you need use (*USE) authority to the QATACGY and QLTACGY files in QUSRSYS.
To dump the Cartridge Filter file description, you need use (*USE) authority to the QATAFTR file in QUSRSYS.
To dump the QTAHRSRV flight recorders you need use (*USE) authority to the Dump System Object (DMPSYSOBJ) command.
See the documentation for this command for additional authority requirements.
The name of the device for which debugging information is being dumped.
The type of information to be dumped.
Valid values are:
*ALL | All information needed by IBM will be dumped to spooled files. |
*MSE | Media and Storage Extension (MSE) flight recorder
will be dumped. ![]() ![]() |
The problem identifier of the problem being analyzed. Problems with different system origins can have the same identifier. The possible values are:
*NEW | A problem identifier will be created. |
problem-identifier | The 10-character problem identifier of the problem being selected. |
The structure in which to return error information. For the format of the structure, see Error Code Parameter. If this parameter is omitted, diagnostic and escape messages are issued to the application.
The following are examples of calls to the API from command entry:
The dump device will dump information about TAP01 and assigns it to a created problem identifier.
The dump device will dump information about TAPMLB01 and assigns it to a created problem identifier.
The dump device will dump information about TAP01 and assign it to an existing problem identifier.
Message ID | Error Message Text |
CPF3C90 E | Literal value cannot be changed. |
CPF6709 E | Parameter &3 not correct. |
CPF6721 E | Device &1 not a tape device. |
CPF673F E | Device &1 does not support &2. |
CPF9814 E | Device &1 not found. |
CPF9825 E | Not authorized to device &1. |
CPF9872 E | Program or service program &1 in library &2 ended. Reason code &3. |
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