You should back up your intrusion detection (IDS) policies to eliminate
the need to re-create your policies in the event of a server outage or power
Your IDS policies can be stored locally or exported to a directory
server. You must back up the IDS policies in the following directories:
- QIBM/UserData/OS400/QOS/ETC
- QIBM/ProdData/OS400/QOS/
You must also back up your directory server publishing agent for the
QoS server. The publishing agent contains the directory server name, the distinguished
name (DN) for the QoS server, port used to access the directory server, and
authentication information. In the event of a loss, your backups can save
you the time and work it takes to re-create your policies from scratch.
Follow these steps to ensure that you can easily replace lost IDS
- Use integrated file systems backup and recovery
The Backup and recovery book provides
instructions on conducting backups from integrated file systems.
- Print out the policies.
You can
store the printouts wherever they are most likely to be secure and re-enter
the information as necessary.
- Copy the information to a disk.
has an advantage over printouts: rather than reentering manually, the information
exists electronically. It provides you a straightforward method for transporting
information from one online source to another.