Determining which Integrated xSeries Servers are in use

This task describes how to determine what IXS servers and resources are in use on your system.

In a situation where you have multiple Integrated xSeries® Servers and Linux® is already installed on some of them, you might also need to determine which resources are already in use. You can use the Work with Network Server Descriptions command (WRKNWSD) to display a list of current Network Server Descriptions. To determine which Integrated xSeries Servers are in use, follow these steps:

  1. On an i5/OS™ command line, type WRKNWSD and press Enter.
  2. Type 5 next to each NWSD and press Enter. You will see a description of the NWSD. This display shows the Resource name used by the server and helps you identify which resources are already in use.
  3. After displaying each NWSD and noting the associated resource name, compare these against the resources shown in the WRKHDWRSC *CMN display to determine which resources are not already configured.

    You can create more than one integrated Linux server (with its corresponding NWSD) on an individual resource, but only one Linux server can be active on a particular resource at a time. Therefore, you might in fact find that you have more than one NWSD with the same resource name.

    Note: If you are working on an iSeries™ with multiplei5/OS partitions you might also need to determine which partition the Integrated xSeries Server hardware is allocated to.