Printer file parameters used with line and mixed data

There are several printer file parameters that can be used when working with line and mixed data. These parameters can all be specified on the Create Printer File (CRTPRTF), Change Printer File (CHGPRTF), and Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF) CL commands.

AFP™ characters (AFPCHARS)
This parameter identifies up to four 4-byte coded font names. The 4-byte names are concatenated to X'0'. The names identify the coded fonts that are needed when table reference characters are used in line or mixed data.
Control character (CTLCHAR)
This parameter specifies the type of control characters (American National Standards Institute (ANSI) or machine code) that are in the line or mixed data.
Convert line data (CVTLINDTA)
This parameter specifies whether line data is converted to Advanced Function Presentation™ data stream (AFPDS) before the data is spooled. A page definition specifies how the data is formatted.
DBCS character rotation (IGCCHRRTT)
For non-AFP printers, this parameter is used to rotate the double-byte character set (DBCS) data when line data is transformed to SNA Character Stream (SCS). For AFP printers, this parameter is ignored. Character rotation can be specified in the page definition.
DBCS characters per inch (IGCCPI)
For non-Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) printers, this parameter specifies the pitch of the DBCS data during transformation from line data to SCS. DBCS shift-out, shift-in (SOSI) characters cannot be transformed when going to an Intelligent Printer data stream (IPDS™) printer. Mixed data cannot be transformed when going to an SCS or IPDS printer. For AFP printers, this parameter is ignored, as the pitch of the DBCS data is determined by the selected font.
This parameter indicates what action should be taken when SOSI characters are found in the data. If the data is mixed, the SOSI should be taken out and appropriate spaces inserted based on the value of this keyword.
Printer device type (DEVTYPE)
Use this parameter to place line data or mixed data onto the printer spool.
Table reference characters (TBLREFCHR)
This parameter indicates whether table reference characters (TRC) exist in the line or mixed data. If forms control characters are used with the data, the TRC follows the forms control character, but precedes the data bytes. If forms control characters are not used, the TRC is the first byte of the data record. If table reference characters are used, every data record must contain a TRC byte.
User-specified DBCS data (IGCDTA)
This parameter specifies whether the file processes DBCS data. If so, the user of a line or mixed data file must specify *YES to indicate that there are SOSI characters in the data.

Related reference

Change Printer File (CHGPRTF) CL command

Create Printer File (CRTPRTF) CL command

Override with Printer File (OVRPRTF) CL command