Print data sent to iSeries from zSeries

There are different steps to print data sent to an iSeries™, depending on where it is sent to.

Print data sent from a zSeries® server to an i5/OS™ network file

To print data that has been placed on an i5/OS network file, follow these steps:

  1. Receive the file to a library.
  2. Use the Print AFP™ Data (PRTAFPDTA) command.

All resources must be processed this way.

Print data sent from a zSeries server to an i5/OS output queue

You can print data that has been placed on an i5/OS output queue the same way you print any other spooled file. However, there are some considerations when having data placed directly on an output queue. If a printer is active for that output queue, spooled files placed directly into the output queue could be printed without the owner of the queue realizing it. To avoid this, try one of these possible solutions:

When data is sent from a zSeries server to an i5/OS output queue and then printed, it follows this path:

  1. zSeries
  2. Target iSeries server identified by a node ID
  3. Target output queue for the target user ID

    The target user ID must have access to the libraries containing the resources that the spooled file needs when it prints on the iSeries server.

  4. Target printer

    Make sure that the printer you want to print the files on is assigned to the correct output queue. If any special handling of the printer is necessary (form choice, drawer selection, envelopes, and so on), it should be done before the files are sent.

If you cannot find the spooled file on the output queue of the specified user ID, look in the QNFTP job log for messages. The QNFTP job runs under the QSNADS user profile.

Related concepts

AFP resources

Resource library lists

Related tasks

Receive resources and AFP data sent to network files

Release a spooled file

Send data from a zSeries server to i5/OS network files

Related reference

Print AFP Data (PRTAFPDTA) CL command