Configure PSF

You can configure Print Services Facility™ (PSF) by using the printer device description or by using a PSF configuration object.

Configure PSF by using a device description

To use PSF, you must specify AFP(*YES) in the printer device description.

Other parameters in the device description affect how PSF works with Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP™). For example, you can specify these options:

Configure PSF by using a PSF configuration object

A PSF configuration object is an extension of the printer device description. You can use a PSF configuration object to specify device configuration options that you cannot specify with the device description. For example, with a PSF configuration object you can specify these:

To use a PSF configuration object, follow these steps:

  1. Create a PSF configuration object by using the Create PSF Configuration Object (CRTPSFCFG) command or by using AFP Manager:
    1. Start an iSeries™ Navigator session.
    2. Expand My Connections (or your active environment).
    3. Expand AFP Manager.

      If you do not have an AFP Manager icon, install AFP Manager as follows: Right-click My Connections (or your active environment) and select Install Options then Selective Setup.

    4. Right-click PSF configurations and select New.
    5. Specify the options you want. For help on any page, press F1. Select OK.
  2. Specify the PSF configuration object by following the steps in the Specify a PSF configuration object topic.

Related concepts

PSF configuration objects

Related tasks

Specify a PSF configuration object

Related reference

Create Device Description (Printer) (CRTDEVPRT) CL command

Create PSF Configuration Object (CRTPSFCFG) CL command

Change Device Description (Printer) (CHGDEVPRT) CL command