AFP concepts

Read these topics for an overview of the Advanced Function Presentation™ (AFP™) and related concepts.

Overview topics

Overview of AFP printing
This topic provides a high-level overview of the printing process.

AFP resource topics:

AFP resources
This topic provides a high-level overview of AFP resources. It describes what an AFP resource is and how it is used.

AFP fonts
This topic provides a high-level overview of AFP fonts. It describes what an AFP font is, including the font components: font character set, code page, and coded font. It also describes the differences between double-byte and single-byte fonts.

Form definitions
This topic provides a high-level overview of form definitions. It describes when a form definition is required, lists the options you can control with a form definition, and where you can get form definitions.

Line data
This topic provides a high-level overview of line data. It describes what line data is and gives a brief overview of how to specify it.

Mixed data
This topic provides a high-level overview of mixed data.

Object containers
This topic provides a high-level overview of object containers. It describes what an object container is and why you would use them.

This topic provides a high-level overview of overlays, also known as electronic forms. It describes what an overlay is and how you can obtain them.

Page definitions
This topic provides a high-level overview of page definitions. It describes what a page definition is used to specify and when it is required.

Page segments
This topic provides a high-level overview of page segments. It describes what page segments are and lists several ways to obtain them.

Resources in the integrated file system
This topic describes how Print Services Facility™ (PSF) can use resources in the integrated file system and why you would store resources there.

Libraries and library lists:

Resource library lists
This topic provides a high-level overview of library lists. It describes what resource library lists are, the different types of resource library lists, and why you would use them.

AFP font libraries
This topic provides a high-level overview of font libraries. It lists which libraries are the font libraries and describes how they relate to library lists.

TrueType and OpenType font topics

TrueType and OpenType fonts
This topic provides a high-level overview of TrueType and OpenType fonts. It describes what a TrueType or OpenType font is and the requirements for using them with PSF. It also introduces resource access tables.

How TrueType and OpenType fonts differ from AFP fonts
This topic describes how TrueType and OpenType fonts are different from AFP fonts in their use, installation, and more.

PSF configuration topics

PSF configuration objects
This topic provides a high-level overview of PSF configuration objects.

IPDS pass-through
This topic explains what Intelligent Printer data stream (IPDS™) pass-through is, how to use it, and why you might want to use it.

How page definitions, form definitions, and printer files interact
This topic describes how page definitions, form definitions, and printer files interact. You can use a printer file to specify some of the same options as you can specify with a page definition and a form definition. This topic describes how PSF chooses an option when a printer file is used with a page definition and form definition.