Manage administrator properties

To manage directory server administrator properties, use the IBM® Welcome Page V1.1 administrator pages.

Perform the following steps:
  1. Access the IBM Welcome Page V1.1 administrator pages by entering the following URL in your Web browser:

    where is the name of the application server where IBM Welcome Page V1.1 is installed and port is the port number that was specified during installation.

  2. Click the Directory tab.
  3. To set up and change directory properties, you must log in as the directory server administrator. Click set up and change directory properties.
  4. Enter your LDAP distinguished name (DN) and password. By default, the Administrator DN is cn=Administrator. Click Login.
  5. You can modify the following directory server administrator properties:
    • Name: Specify the name of an administrator for business applications. If an entry does not exist in the directory for the user specified, one will be created.
    • Password: Specify the password for the administrator. This value is only used if the administrator entry does not exist and must be created.
    • Confirm Password: Specify the password entered in the Password field.
    • Group: Specify the name of the group that is used to identify administrators for business applications. If an entry does not exist in the directory for this group, one will be created.
    • Authentication realm: Specify the realm name used on login prompts for administrators. The value must be different than the one specified for general users.
    • Contact information: Specify a message that is displayed to users when problems occur. For example, the message may provide an administrator's name, telephone number, or e-mail address.
  6. Click Save Changes.