Route SNADS over OptiConnect

SNADS (SNA Distribution Services) communication can use the OptiConnect link to distribute data between systems through the fiber-optic cable. When configuring SNADS over OptiConnect, the system uses the *APPC controller and device descriptions previously created in Configure extended function path routing. You will need to configure a directory entry, a routing table entry, and distribution queue in the following way:

  1. Add a directory entry:
      ADDDIRE USRID(xxx/*ANY)   (xxx is the address of remote system)
              USRD(xxx)         (xxx is the description
              SYSNAME(xxx)      (xxx is the name of the remote system)
    Add a directory entry to point a user or several users (*ANY) to the remote system.
  2. Create a distribution queue:
     ADDDSTQ DSTQ(xxx)         (xxx is the name of the queue)
             RMTLOCNAME(xxx)    (same as specified in the APPC DEVD)
             MODE(*NETATR)      (or specify a mode)
             LCLLOCNAME(xxx)    (same as specified in the APPC DEVD)
    The values in the distribution queue for the RMTLOCNAME and LCLLOCNAME allow SNADS to select the correct APPC device description that points to the target system.
  3. Create a routing table:
      ADDDSTRTE SYSNAME(xxx)    (xxx is the name of the remote system)
                FAST(xxx)       (xxx is the name of the remote system)
                STATUS(xxx)     (xxx is the name of the remote system)
                DATAHIGH(xxx)   (xxx is the name of the remote system)
                DATALOW(xxx)    (xxx is the name of the remote system)
    Create a routing table that points to the distribution queue.
  4. Verify that QSOC and QSNADS subsystem are active on both systems.