View this topic to learn some basic techniques to properly set up a typical time maintenance application.
Each time maintenance application is unique to your business environment. You can use the IBM-supplied Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) application or an application of your own to use for time maintenance.
When writing a time maintenance application, you should ensure that the software checks the time adjustment (QTIMADJ) system value before starting. If this system value has an identifier for other time adjustment software, then the software being started should notify the user of this potential conflict and confirm that this time adjustment software should be started. When there is not an identifier associated with the time adjustment (QTIMADJ) system value, the software should update the system value to identify that it is now responsible for adjusting the system clock. Time adjustment software should check this system value again before ending. The time adjustment (QTIMADJ) system value should be set to the value None (*NONE) only if the current value identifies this time adjustment software that is ending.
You can use the IBM-supplied SNTP application as a time maintenance application. The SNTP application can act as a client or a server.