Develop a service endpoint interface

The service endpoint interface defines the Web services methods. The Web service implementation must implement methods that have the same signature as the methods on the service endpoint interface. There are a number of restrictions on which types to use as parameters and results of service endpoint interface methods. These restrictions are documented in the Java API for XML remote procedure call (JAX-RPC) specification. Link outside Information Center

If the Web service implementation is a Java bean, develop the service endpoint interface from the bean or an interface the bean implements.

To develop a service endpoint interface, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Java interface that contains the methods that you want to include in the service endpoint interface.
    The interface should extend the java.rmi.Remote interface. Each method throws the java.rmi.RemoteException exception. If you start with an existing Java interface, remove any methods that do not conform to JAX-RPC.

  2. Compile the interface.
    You need /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE/ASE5/lib/j2ee.jar in your CLASSPATH to compile the interface.