Restore the application server configuration

The restoreConfig script restores the configuration of a node. To run this script, you must have a backup copy of the configuration. If the configuration directory already exists, the script renames it before restoring the configuration. For information on running Qshell scripts, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere Application Server - Express scripts.

Note: The restoreConfig script only restores information for a single instance of WebSphere Application Server - Express. For a more complete restoration of your configuration, it is recommended that you follow the procedures described in Backup and recovery considerations for WebSphere Application Server - Express.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


To restore your application server configuration, follow these steps:

  1. On the CL command line, run the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.

  2. Run the cd command to change to the directory that contains the script:

    cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE/ASE5/bin
  3. Run the restoreConfig script:

    restoreConfig backup_file -instance instance

    where backup_file is the name of the configuration file that you created with the backupConfig script and instance is the name of the instance to which you want to restore the configuration.


The syntax of the restoreConfig script is:

restoreConfig backup_file -instance instance [ -nostop ] [ -quiet ]
 [ -logfile filename ] [ -replacelog ] [ -trace ] [ -username username ]
 [ -password password ] [ -help | -? ]


The parameters of the restoreConfig script are:


restoreConfig -instance myAppSvr /QIBM/UserData/WebASE/ASE5/myAppSvr/

This example restores the configuration for the myAppSvr instance. The script uses the configuration file called in the /QIBM/UserData/WebASE/ASE5/myAppSvr directory.