Change application server ports with the chgwassvr script

You can use the chgwassvr script in Qshell to change one or more port numbers of an application server. Unless there is a port conflict, you do not need to change these settings. If your application server is not running correctly, and you suspect that there may be a port conflict, see Troubleshooting before you change any of the port settings. For information on running scripts in Qshell, see Configure Qshell to run WebSphere Application Server - Express scripts.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


To run the script, follow these steps:

  1. On the CL command line, run the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.

  2. Run the cd command to change to the directory that contains the script:

    cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE/ASE5/bin
  3. Run the chgwassvr script:

    chgwassvr -instance instance -server server [options]

    where instance is the name of the instance that contains the server you want to change, server is the name of the server you want to change, and options specifies the changes you want to make.


The syntax of the script is:

chgwassvr -instance instance -server servername [ -portblock portblock ]
 [ -transport -oldport oldvalue -newport newvalue ] [ -inthttp inthttpport ]
 [ -admin adminport ] [ -adminssl adminsslport ] [ -soap soapport ]
 [ -nameservice nameserviceport ] [ -sas sasserverport ]
 [ -csiv2server csiv2serverauthport ] [ -csiv2client csiv2clientauthport ]
 [ -verbose ] [ -help ]


The parameters of the script are:


chgwassvr -instance devinst -server devinst -portblock 11400

In this example, the ports assigned to the application server devinst in the instance devinst are changed.

chgwassvr -instance devinst -server devinst -transport -oldvalue 9090 -newvalue 12240

In this example, the WebSphere administrative console port for the application server devinst in the instance devinst is changed from 9090 to 12240.