Set up authority for a library

A library is really a special type of object. You set authority for a library just like you set authority for any other object, by using the EDTOBJAUT command. All libraries reside in the IBM-supplied library that is called QSYS.

Use the Edit Object Authority (EDTOBJAUT) command to set specific authority for the library and objects in the library, based on the information on your Library description worksheet.

  1. Type EDTOBJAUT and press F4 (Prompt).
  2. Fill in the prompt display and press the Enter key.
  3. On the Edit Object Authority display, press F6 (Add new users) to give authority to users whom the display does not list.
  4. Press the Enter key.
  5. The Edit Object Authority display should match the information on both Parts 1 and 2 of the Library Description form.

The public authority for new objects (CRTAUT) authority does not appear on the Edit Object Authority display for a library. Use the Display Library (DSPLIB) command to see the CRTAUT for a library. You can also use this procedure to set up specific authority to an object on the system. You can now set specific authority for an object.