Remove a user from the system

This article describes how to remove a user from the system, explains why it is important, and provides step-by-step instructions.

If someone leaves your company, you should remove the user profile from the system immediately. Before you can delete a user profile, you must either delete or transfer ownership of any objects that are owned by the profile. You can use the WRKOBJOWN command to do this, or you can use option 4 (Remove) from the Work with User Enrollment display. When you select option 4 (Remove) for a profile from the Work with User Enrollment display, you see additional displays that allow you to handle any objects the user owns. You can choose to give all the objects to a new owner or handle the objects individually:

              Remove User 

User . . . . . . . . . . . : HOGANR 
User description . . . . . : Sales and Marketing Department 

To remove this user type a choice below, then press Enter. 

1. Give all objects owned by this user to a new owner 
2. Delete or change owner of specific objects owned by this user.

If you choose to handle the objects individually (option 2), the screen displays a list of all the objects that are owned by the user:

              Remove User 

User . . . . . . . . . . . : HOGANR 
User description . . . . . : Sales and Marketing Department 

New owner . . . . . . . . . Name, F4 for list 

To remove this user, delete or change owner of all objects. Type options below and press Enter.
  2=Change to new owner  4=Delete  5=Display details 

Opt  Object  Library  Description 
 4   HOGANR  QUSRSYS  Hogan, Richard message queue 
 4   QUERY1  DPTWH    Inventory Query

If you choose to delete objects, you see the Confirm Delete display. Once the system deletes the objects, you can remove the user profile. You then see the Work with User Enrollment display again with a message that tells you that the system has removed the user.

Deleting User Profiles

You cannot delete a user profile that owns objects. You must delete any objects owned by the profile or transfer ownership of those objects to another profile. Both basic assistance level and intermediate assistance level allow you to handle owned objects when you delete a profile.

You cannot delete a user profile if it is the primary group for any objects. When you use the intermediate assistance level to delete a user profile, you can change or remove the primary group for objects. You can use the DSPUSRPRF command with the *OBJPGP (object primary group) option to list any objects for which a profile is the primary group.

When you delete a user profile, the user is removed from all distribution lists and from the system directory.

You do not need to change ownership of or delete the user’s message queue. The system automatically deletes the message queue when the profile is deleted.

You cannot delete a group profile that has members. To list the members of a group profile, type DSPUSRPRF group-profile-name *GRPMBR. Change the GRPPRF field in each member profile before deleting the group profile.

Using the Delete User Profile Command

You can enter the Delete User Profile (DLTUSRPRF) command directly, or you can use option 4 (Delete) from the Work with User Profiles display. The DLTUSRPRF command has parameters allowing you to handle:

Using the Remove User Option

From the Work with User Enrollment display, type 4 (Remove) in front of the profile you want to delete. You see the Remove User display:

              Remove User 

User . . . . . . . . . . . : HOGANR 
User description . . . . . : Sales and Marketing Department 

To remove this user type a choice below, then press Enter. 
  1. Give all objects owned by this user to a new owner 
  2. Delete or change owner of specific objects owned by this user.

To change the ownership of all objects before deleting the profile, select option 1. You see a display prompting you for the new owner.

To handle the objects individually, select option 2. You see a detailed Remove User display:

              Remove User 

User . . . . . . . . . . . : HOGANR 
User description . . . . . : Hogan, Richard - Warehouse DPT 

New owner  . . . . . . . . .          Name, F4 for list 

To remove this user, delete or change owner of all objects. 
Type options below and press Enter. 
  2=Change to new owner  4=Delete  5=Display details 

Opt  Object  Library  Description 
 4   HOGANR  QUSRSYS  HOGANR message queue 
 2   QUERY1  DPTWH    Inventory Query, on-hand report 
 2   QUERY2  DPTWH    Inventory Query, on-order report
Use the options on the display to delete objects or transfer them to a new owner. When all objects have been removed from the display, you can delete the profile.
  1. You can use F13 to delete all the objects owned by the user profile.
  2. Spooled files do not appear on the Work with Objects by Owner display. You can delete a user profile even though that profile still owns spooled files. After you have deleted a user profile, use the Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command to locate and delete any spooled files owned by the user profile, if they are no longer needed.
  3. Any objects for which the deleted user profile was the primary group will have a primary group of *NONE.