Create a job description for a group

This article describes how to create a job description for the group. A job description contains a specific set of job-related attributes, such as which job queue to use, scheduling priority, routing data, message queue severity, library list and output information. The attributes determine how each job is run on the system.

After you create a library for the group, you can create a job description for each group.

If the libraries needed for the initial library list are not yet on the system, you receive a warning message when you create the job description.
  1. Type CRTJOBD (Create Job Description) and press F4 (prompt).
  2. Fill in these fields:
    Job description:
    Same as group profile name.
    Library name:
    QGPL Text: Group description
  3. Press F10 (Additional parameters).
  4. Page down to the Initial Library List field.
               Create Job Description 
    Type choices, press Enter. 
    Job description . . . . . . . . . DPTSM 
      Library . . . . . . . . . . . . QGPL 
    Job queue . . . . . . . . . . . . QBATCH 
      Library . . . . . . . . . . . . *LIBL 
    Job priority (on JOBQ). . . . . . 5 
    Output priority (on OUTQ) . . . . 5 
    Print device  . . . . . . . . . . *USRPRF 
    Output queue  . . . . . . . . . . *USRPRF 
      Library . . . . . . . . . . . . 
    Text ’description’. . . . . . . . Sales and Marketing
  5. Type a + (plus) over *SYSVAL in the Initial library list field to specify that you want to enter a list of values. Press the Enter key.
    Accounting code . . . . . . . . . . *USRPRF
    CL syntax check . . . . . . . . . . *NOCHK 
    Initial library list  . . . . . . . + 
             + for more values
  6. In the Initial Library List field, type the names of libraries that are checked off in your user group description worksheet:
    • Put one library name per line.
    • Include QGPL and QTEMP. Every job uses a library called QTEMP to store temporary objects. All initial library lists must have the QTEMP library. For most applications, the QGPL library should also be on the initial library list.
    • You do not need to include the current (default) library on the library list. The system adds that library automatically at signon.
  7. Press the Enter key. Check messages. (Page down to see all messages.)
    Specify More Values for 
    Type choices, press Enter. 
    Initial library list . . . . . . CUSTLIB 
Possible Error Recovery
You pressed the Enter key instead of F10. To put the correct libraries in the initial library list, type CHGJOBD (Change Job Description) and press F4.
You get error messages when you try to create the job description. The most common error message occurs when you try to include a library that is not on the system. This message is a warning. The job description is still created with the library in the initial library list. You cannot sign on with a profile that specifies the job description until the library is on the system.

If the library is on the system, you might have typed the name incorrectly. Verify the library name and try again.

For more information, see Job Description in Chapter 4 of the iSeries™ Security Reference.