Analyze object authorities

This article describes how to analyze object authorities and provides step-by-step instructions.

You can use the following method to determine who has authority to libraries on the system:
  1. Use the DSPOBJD command to list all the libraries on the system: DSPOBJD OBJ(QSYS/*ALL) OBJTYPE(*LIB) ASPDEV(*ALLAVL) OUTPUT(*PRINT)
  2. Use the Display Object Authority (DSPOBJAUT) command to list the authorities to a specific library:
    DSPOBJAUT OBJ(QSYS/library-name) OBJTYPE(*LIB) + 
              ASPDEV(asp-device-name) OUTPUT(*PRINT)
  3. Use the Display Library (DSPLIB) command to list the objects in the library: DSPLIB LIB(QSYS/library-name) ASPDEV(asp-device-name) OUTPUT(*PRINT)

Using these reports, you can determine what is in a library and who has access to the library. If necessary, you can use the DSPOBJAUT command to view the authority for selected objects in the library.