Start receiver connection profile

After configuring L2TP receiver connection profile for iSeries™ A, the administrator needs to start this connection so that it will listen for incoming requests from remote clients.
Note: You might receive an error message that the QUSRWRK subsystem is not started. This message occurs when attempting to start the receiver connection profile. To start the QUSRWRK subsystem, complete these steps:
  1. In a character-based interface, enter strsbs.
  2. On the Start Subsystem display, enter QUSRWRK in the Subsystem description field.

To configure a VPN for remote clients, complete these tasks:

  1. In iSeries Navigator, select Refresh from the View menu. This will refresh your instance of iSeries Navigator.
  2. In iSeries Navigator, expand iSeries A > Network > Remote Access Services.
  3. Double-click Receiver Connection Profiles and right-click MYCOL2TP and select Start.
  4. The Status field will display, Waiting for connection requests.