This example is for users that are not familiar with the Web serving
environment. It describes all the steps necessary to get iSeries™ Access
for Web running in a WebSphere® Portal web serving environment with single
sign-on (SSO) enabled. It also describes how to verify that the setup is working.
When configuration is completed, the default setting for the iSeries Access
portlets authentication option is Use authenticated WebSphere credential.
This option enables iSeries Access portlets to automatically access i5/OS™ resources
using the authenticated WebSphere Portal user. It is not necessary to configure i5/OS credentials
(user profile name and password) for each of the iSeries Access portlets when this type
of SSO environment is enabled. iSeries Access portlets use Enterprise
Identity Mapping (EIM) to map the authenticated WebSphere Portal user to an i5/OS user profile.
The mapped i5/OS user
profile is used to authorize the user to i5/OS resources using standard i5/OS object
level security.
Configuring your portal environment consists of these steps:
- Configure the EIM environment. See the "Configure Enterprise Identity Mapping"
topic for information about how to do this.
- Start the IBM® Web
Administration for iSeries interface (also known as IBM HTTP Server
for iSeries).
See step 1.
- Create an HTTP Web server, create a WebSphere Application Server V5.0
for iSeries Web
application server, and deploy WebSphere Portal. See step 2.
- Configure iSeries Access
for Web. See step 3.
- Use a browser to access iSeries Access for Web. See step 4.
Steps to configure the portlet environment:
- Start the IBM Web Administration for iSeries interface.
- Start a 5250 session to the server.
- Sign on with a user profile that has at least these special
authorities: *ALLOBJ, *IOSYSCFG, *JOBCTL, and *SECADM.
- Run the following server command to start the web administration
- Minimize the 5250 session.
- Configure iSeries Access for Web
- Restore the 5250 session window.
- To see the WebSphere application server running, Enter this
server command: WRKACTJOB SBS(QEJBAS5)
- Verify that IWAWPS5SSO is listed as a job running under the
QEJBAS5 subsystem. iSeries Access for Web requires WebSphere Portal
to be running before it can be configured.
- To see the HTTP server running, run this server command:
- Verify that IWAWPS5SSO is listed as a running job. There
will likely be multiple jobs of this name running.
- iSeries Access
for Web portlets are configured using a command provided by the software product.
Two different commands are provided, a CL command and a QShell script command.
Both commands provide and perform the same function. Use the command
you prefer.
- To use the CL command, follow these steps:
- Configure iSeries Access
for Web portlets using the following command:
WPUSRID(wpsadmin) WPPWD(wpsadmin)
WPURL('<server_name>:4038/wps/config') WPDFTPAG(*CREATE)
are the parameters used: - APPSVRTYPE
- Tells the command which Web application server environment to configure.
- Tells the command which instance of the Web application server to configure.
- Tells the command what WebSphere Portal administrative user ID to use
to make the configuration change.
- The password for the user ID entered with the WPUSRID parameter.
- Access the WebSphere Portal
configuration servlet so that the configuration changes can be made.
- Tells the command to create the default iSeries Access portlet pages and deploy
portlets to those pages.
For help on this command and the parameters, press F1.
- Several messages similar to these will be displayed:
- Configuring iSeries Access for Web.
- Preparing to perform the configuration changes.
- Calling WebSphere to perform the configuration changes.
- iSeries Access for Web command has completed.
- Refer to the following log file for additional success/failure
information: /QIBM/UserData/Access/Web2/wp50/iwawps5sso/logs/cfgwps50iwa.logRefer
to the following log file for additional success/failure information:
- iSeries Access for Web command has completed.
- Press F3 or Enter when the command completes to exit the display session.
- To use the QShell script command, follow these steps:
- Start the QShell environment using the following server command: QSH
- Make the iSeries Access
for Web directory the current directory. Run this server command:
cd /QIBM/ProdData/Access/Web2/install
- Configure iSeries Access
for Web portlets using the following command:
cfgaccweb2 -appsvrtype *WP50 -wasinst iwawps5sso –wpusrid wpsadmin
-wppwd wpsadmin –wpurl <server_name>:4038/wps/config
-wpdftpag *CREATE
These are the parameters used: - -appsvrtype
- Tells the command which Web application server environment to configure.
- -wasinst
- Tells the command which instance of the Web application server to configure.
- –wpusrid
- Tells the command what WebSphere Portal administrative user ID to use
to make the configuration change.
- -wppwd
- The password for the user ID entered with the WPUSRID parameter.
- –wpurl
- Access the WebSphere Portal
configuration servlet so that the configuration changes can be made.
- -wpdftpag
- Tells the command to create the default iSeries Access portlet pages and deploy
portlets to those pages.
For help on this command and the parameters, specify the -?
- Several messages similar to these will be displayed:
- Configuring iSeries Access for Web.
- Preparing to perform the configuration changes.
- Calling WebSphere to perform the configuration changes.
- iSeries Access for Web command has completed.
- Refer to the following log file for additional success/failure
information: /QIBM/UserData/Access/Web2/wp50/iwawps5sso/logs/cfgwps50iwa.logRefer
to the following log file for additional success/failure information:
- iSeries Access for Web command has completed.
- Press F3 when the command completes to exit the QShell session.
- If the command were to fail or indicate an error, refer to the
log files:
- /QIBM/UserData/Access/Web2/logs/cmds.log
- High level, cause and recovery information; translated
- /QIBM/UserData/Access/Web2/logs/cmdstrace.log
- Detailed command flow for IBM Software Service; English only
- /QIBM/UserData/Access/Web2/wp50/iwawps5sso/logs/cfgwps50iwa.log
- Details deploying portlets.
Note: This file might be in EBCDIC.
- /QIBM/UserData/Access/Web2/wp50/iwawps5sso/logs/cfgwps50iwapage.log
- Details creating portal pages.
Note: This file might be in EBCDIC.
- Signoff the 5250 session window.
- Close the 5250 session window.
- Use a browser to access iSeries Access for Web
- Open a web browser to the following addresses to access WebSphere Portal
and iSeries Access
for Web portlets: http://<server_name>:4038/wps/portal.
- Log in to WebSphere Portal using the wpsadmin for the user
ID and password.
- The Portal page opens. Select the My iSeries tabbed page. You might
need to move the tab bar to the right to see the My iSeries tab.
- Navigate to the various sub-pages of the My iSeries tabbed
- Close the browser window.
By following these steps, you completed these tasks:
- Configured an EIM environment to enable mapping of WebSphere Portal user identities to i5/OS user
- Created a WebSphere application
server named iwawps5sso.
- Deployed the WebSphere Portal to the iwawps5sso WebSphere Web
application server.
- Created an HTTP server named IWAWPS5SSO.
- Configured iSeries Access
for Web portlets to WebSphere Portal.
- Verified that iSeries Access for Web portlets can be accessed from
a web browser.
In this example, only the CFGACCWEB2 command
is used to configure iSeries Access for Web. For more information about
using all the iSeries Access
for Web CL commands, use the CL command finder.