For V5R4, iSeries™ Access for Web contains numerous new functions.
New Web application server environment
The following information describes the new support in the
Web application server environment:
- Supported Web application servers: The iSeries Access for Web licensed program
supports the following Web application servers for logical partitions running
on i5/OS™ V5R3,
or later. For the latest information about this support, see the IBM® iSeries Access
for Web home page.
WebSphere® Application Server V6.0 for OS/400® (Base,
Express, and Network Deployment Editions)
WebSphere Portal for iSeries V5.1.0.1 
Workplace™ Services
Express V2.5 
- WebSphere Application
Server - Express for iSeries V5.1
- WebSphere Application
Server V5.1 for iSeries
- WebSphere Application
Server - Express for iSeries V5.0
- WebSphere Application
Server V5.0 for iSeries
WebSphere Portal for iSeries V5.0.2
- ASF Tomcat
- Single Sign-on: Prior to V5R4, iSeries Access
for Web used HTTP basic authentication to retrieve the iSeries user profile and password from
the user. This profile information could not be shared with other iSeries Web-based
applications. Sometimes, this resulted in the user being prompted multiple
times for the same information by different applications. In V5R4, iSeries Access
for Web also supports the WebSphere security
model to provide single sign-on support among WebSphere Application Server applications.
This support is referred to as application server authentication in
the iSeries Access
for Web documentation.
- Style sheets: The look
of the iSeries Access
for Web page content is now controlled by external style sheets. Users that
have customized templates being displayed by iSeries Access for Web will need to modify
their templates to include the new style information. Users can provide their
own style sheets if they desire a look different than the default iSeries Access
for Web look.
- 5250 function: There are several
enhancements to 5250 sessions support, including Bypass signon, HTML keyword
support, and hotspot support.
- Customize function: You
can now transfer configuration data. This enables iSeries Access for Web administrators
to transfer 5250 sessions and macros, saved commands, database requests,
My Folder items, and policies from one user to another.
- Database function: This
function has several enhancements:
- Open Office: Run SQL and Copy Data to Table now have support for
the OpenDocument spreadsheet format.
- WebSphere Data
Sources: Customize now supports using WebSphere data source names to create
database connections. Data source connections can be used with any of the iSeries Access
for Web database functions.
- Integrated File System Destination: Run SQL now has support for
storing SQL results in the iSeries integrated file system.
- Import Query: Import Query support allows customers to import Query
for iSeries and DB2® UDB
for iSeries Query
Manager query file contents into iSeries Access for Web database requests.
- Find Record: Find record provides a way to search for a record
in a database table and display the contents of that record. Find record is
available as an action of the Tables functions.
- Removal of HATS LE support: Host Access Transformation Server Limited
Edition (HATS LE) is no longer being bundled with the 5722-XH2 iSeries Access
for Web product. For customers that wish to continue to use this type of functionality,
the standalone HATS product will need to be purchased. Refer to the HATS
Web site for more information.
New portal environment support:
following information describes the new support in the portal environment:
- Database function: The
Database function has new support for iSeries SQL Requests and the iSeries SQL
Results - Viewer portlets.
- File function: This function has
a new iSeries Zip
portlet to create, add to, and extract from zip files.
- Other function: The iSeries Credentials
and data store portlets have new functions.
- iSeries Data
Store: iSeries Access
for Web Data Store displays a list of data, such as database requests, which
are stored by iSeries Access
portlets. From the list, items can be renamed and deleted. The access to stored
data items can also be changed.
How to see what's new or changed
To help you see
where technical changes have been made, this information uses:
- The
image to mark
where new or changed information begins.
- The
image to mark
where new or changed information ends.
To find other information about what's new or changed this release,
see the Memo
to users.