Restore service tools security data

You can restore service tools security data using DST.

To restore service tools security data using DST, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Work with DST Environment display, select option 6 (Service tools security data).
  2. From the Work with Service Tools Security Data display, select option 4 (Restore service tools security data). The Select Media Type display appears.
  3. Make sure the device is available, and select one of the available options:
    • Tape
      1. Press Enter to restore the data. The Work with Tape Devices display appears.
      2. You can select, deselect, or display details on any of the tape devices that appear. If you choose to select, continue to step 4.
    • Optical
      1. Press Enter to restore the data. The Work with Optical Devices display appears.
      2. You might choose to select, deselect, or display details on any of the optical devices that appear. If you choose to select, continue to step 4.
  4. Select the device from which you want to restore security data. The instructions for selecting the device are the same for tape and optical devices.
    1. Type option 1 (Select) in the option field next to the resource you want to work with. The Restore Service Tools User ID display appears.
    2. Select one of these options:
      • To restore all service tools user IDs:
        1. Type 1 in the Option field.
        2. Press Enter. All service tools user IDs are restored.
      • To choose the service tools user IDs you want to restore:
        1. Type 2 in the Option field and press Enter. The Select Service Tools User ID to Restore display appears.
        2. Type 1 (Select) in the Option field next to the profile you want to restore. Press Enter. That service tools user ID is restored.