Preventive service planning information is available
for the following aspects of Licensed Internal Code and i5/OS™ maintenance:
- Licensed program installation
- Licensed Internal Code
- System equipment
- Cumulative PTF packages
- PTFs (fixes) in error (PE)
- High impact or pervasive (HIPER) problems
- General information
Pre-HIPER text
PSP documents are categorized by topic as shown below. Review at least
the software installation document and the general document for the release
of the operating system that applies to you. The general document lists topics
that are covered in other preventive service planning information documents
that you may want to order if they apply to your system. PSP topics include
the following:
- Installation information
Information concerning upgrade and new installation, including
information about cumulative PTF package installation. For more information,
see Cumulative PTF packages.
- General information
- Hints or tips for working with fix packages or products. Typically, this
information is not documented in other places. The information provided here
was discovered after the release became available.
- PTFs in error
- Information about all fixes found to have a problem, the users that will
be affected by the problem, and recommendations on how to avoid the problem.
This section contains a list of fixes that are included on this cumulative
package that, since shipment, have been found to be defective. You have two
options: install the cumulative package without applying the fixes in error,
or you can install the corrective fixes for the PTFs in error, if available.
This section lists the defective fix, the users affected, the reason the fix
is defective, and the recommended action to take.
- Service recommendations
Detailed information about critical fixes you need to install.
This section lists those High Impact PERvasive (HIPER) problems that have
been discovered in the base code since shipment and not included in this cumulative
package. As before, these recommendations should be reviewed based on your
system's setup and configuration. For more information,
the information on HIPER PTFs in the topic Single fixes.

The PSP information also contains a list of fix identifiers to order PSP
information for Licensed Internal Code and system equipment, licensed programs
installation, and PSP documents for older cumulative packages.