Set up a tape library as a stand-alone device

Occasionally, it might be necessary to use the tape resources in a tape library without the benefit of the automation. An example of this is when you perform an alternate IPL. Another example is when the tape library automation is disabled.

Using the tape resource in this fashion is referred to as stand-alone mode. In stand-alone mode, the tape resource operates like other tape devices that are not in a tape library. Most tape libraries provide modes or commands to move media to a tape resource. See the operator information for your tape library for the different operating modes available. When automation is not used, the tape library operates as an automatic cartridge loader for the tape device and loads cartridges individually or sequentially in the device.

Tape library devices are configured with tape library device descriptions for the tape library. There are also separate tape device descriptions for the tape resources. These tape device descriptions are the devices that are used for stand-alone operation.

To use the tape resources in stand-alone mode, the resource must be available to the tape device description. Do the following steps:

  1. Either deallocate the tape resource from the tape library or vary off the tape library device.
  2. Vary on the tape device description, and send commands to this device.

    The tape resource in iSeries™ Navigator shows a status of Unavailable. No tape library functions operate for this tape resource.

  3. Mount the cartridges manually, by a device mode, or by device operator panel commands.
Related concepts
Tape library operating modes