The amount of extra machine pool storage is:
271.5 MB + .2MB * Number of disk units in independent ASPs.
The extra
machine pool storage is required on the target node. However, because the
target node changes when doing switchovers and failovers, you should increase
the machine pool on all nodes in the Cluster Resource Group. To prevent the
performance adjuster from reducing the machine pool size, you should do one
of the following:
- Set the machine pool minimum size to the calculated amount (the current
size plus the extra size for geographic mirroring from the formula) using Work with Shared Storage Pools (WRKSHRPOOL)
command or Change Shared
Storage Pool (CHGSHRPOOL) command.
Note: It is recommended
to use this option with the Work with Shared Storage Pools (WRKSHRPOOL) option.
- Set QPFRADJ to zero which prohibits the performance adjuster from changing
size of the machine pool.