Replace a disk unit

If you need to replace a failed disk unit or exchange a disk unit to prevent failure, the Replace Disk Unit wizard makes the process a simple task. The disk unit to be replaced or exchanged must be running with either mirrored protection or device parity protection. To replace a mirrored disk unit, you must first suspend mirroring. A disk unit that is running with device parity protection can be exchanged only if it has failed. A disk unit running with device parity protection cannot be replaced with a nonconfigured disk even if it has failed.

To replace a failed disk unit or exchange a suspended mirrored unit, follow these steps:
  1. In iSeries™ Navigator, expand Disk Units.
  2. Select All Disk Units.
  3. Right-click the disk unit that you want to replace and select Replace Disk Unit.
  4. Follow the wizard's instructions to replace the failed disk unit.