Storing and printing spooled files
you choose to store external resources for spooled files in a disk pool group, you must be aware of the printing implications.
You can store the external resources such as, Advanced
Function Presentation™ (AFP™) objects such as *FNTRSC, *FORMDF, *OVL, *PAGDFN, *PAGSEG, and non-AFP resources in a disk pool group. In
order for the printer writer job to access these objects, you must set the
disk pool so that it exists in the library namespace with the writer job. 
these steps to set the disk pool in the library namespace of the writer job:
- Make sure that the disk pool group that contains the external resources
is available.
- Set the disk pool group for the current thread using the SETASPGRP (Set ASP Group) command (disk-pool-group-name).
- Print the spooled file using the STRPRTWTR (Start Printer Writer) command (printer-device-name).

Consider the following environment:
- Two or more systems in a cluster
- A switchable disk pool to be switch between two or more systems in a cluster
- Spooled files using external resources are placed onto the switchable
disk pool
- The external resources are in *SYSBAS
To print a spooled file correctly, from any system in the cluster, the
external resources must reside in the same libraries on each of the systems
in the cluster.