Checklist 6: Move disk units between mirrored disk pools

This checklist shows the sequence of tasks that you use to move one or more disk units from one basic disk pool to another basic disk pool. Use these tasks when one or more of the disk pools has mirrored protection. You cannot move disk units when mirrored protection is active. Instead, you remove mirrored pairs from the source disk pool and add them to the destination disk pool. You must restart your server to dedicated service tools (DST) mode to perform the tasks in this checklist.

Attention: When you perform the tasks in this checklist, the system moves large amounts of data. Make sure that you have completely saved your system in the event that you need to recover from an error situation.

Before you begin

Print a copy of this checklist. Check off the configuration tasks as you perform them. This checklist provides an important record of your actions. It may help you diagnose any problems that occur.

Most tasks in the checklist include links to other topics. Refer to these topics if you need more information about how to perform a particular task.
Task What to do Where to learn more
1.___ Display your current disk configuration. Evaluate the current configuration
2.___ Calculate the space requirements for both the source and destination disk pools for the disk units. Calculate disk space requirements
3.___ Use option 21 from the Save menu to save your entire system. Save your server with the GO SAVE command
4.___ Restart your server and select the option to use dedicated service tools (DST). "How to Start Dedicated Service Tools (DST)" in Backup and Recovery Link to PDF. From the taskpad in iSeries™ Navigator, select Open iSeries Navigator Service Tools.
5.___ In the disk units graphical view window, filter by mirrored pair, and then hold the Ctrl key until you have selected each disk unit of the mirrored pair. Right-click one of the selected disk units and select Remove. Move and remove disk units
6.___ Add nonconfigured disk units to the correct disk pools. If you are adding disk units to a protected disk pool and the new disk units do not have device parity protection, you must add pairs of disk units that have identical capacities. Add a disk unit or disk pool
7.___ If you created a new disk pool when you added disk units, the system set the storage threshold of the disk pool to 90%. If you want a different storage threshold for any disk pool, change it. Set the threshold of a disk pool
8.___ If you created any new disk pools and you want those disk pools to have mirrored protection, start mirrored protection now. Start mirrored protection
9.___ Verify that your disk unit configuration is correct. Evaluate the current configuration
10.___ Print your disk configuration to have available in case a recovery situation occurs. Print your disk configuration