Delete an EIM identifier

To delete an EIM identifier, you must be connected to the Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM) domain in which you want to work and you must have EIM administrator access control.

To delete an EIM identifier, complete these steps:

  1. Expand Network > Enterprise Identity Mapping > Domain Management.
  2. Select the EIM domain in which you want to work.
  3. Expand the EIM domain to which you are now connected.
  4. Click Identifiers.
    Note: Sometimes when you attempt to expand the Identifiers folder, it may take a long time before the list of identifiers displays. To improve performance when you have a large number of EIM identifiers in the domain, you can Customize the EIM identifiers view.
  5. Select the EIM identifier you want to delete. To delete multiple identifiers, press the Ctrl key as you select EIM identifiers.
  6. Right-click the selected EIM identifiers and select Delete.
  7. On the Delete Confirmation dialog, click Yes to delete the selected EIM identifiers.